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Styling Suggestions

4,359 MeetThyDoom  2 months ago

Suggestions on how to make the front of this truck look less plain/borning and a bit more modern?

Truck for context:

I suck at modern detailing. Dummy for scale.

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    12.5k overlord5453

    @MeetThyDoom looks cool. You don't have to change the structures, just the details like the net like structure in front (don't know what they are called but i think you get it) and other small details. And you can't show images on comments.

    2 months ago
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    4,359 MeetThyDoom

    @overlord5453 That's my issue. I can't really see what I can add to make it look realistic, with it being such a unique and flat design. I don't really want to change the structure much,

    2 months ago
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    4,359 MeetThyDoom

    I made the light bar bigger and moved it to the top

    EDIT: Image won't load so here's the link to it.


    2 months ago
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    12.5k overlord5453

    Look at real world trucks for reference. You can add stuff you liked from them.
    Looks good though.

    2 months ago