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[S-War] "Project Firestorm"

59.9k TheUltimatePlaneLover  6 days ago

Angry French noises

Enargite VII: Uhhh guys what was that?
TVT FT: I think somebody is dying.
Volt: I think it's something worse...



Volt: Now, AMX, let's try not call the big bomber ugly.
AMX-10M: Eh bien, quelqu'un peut-il au moins expliquer comment il est arrivé ici et pourquoi il se trouve juste en face de mon hangar ?!

Translation: Well, can someone at least explain how it got here and why it's right in front of my hangar?!

Volt: That's B-9B. He-
AMX-10M: Attendez. B-9B ? C'est le B-9B ? Je pensais qu'il était beaucoup plus petit ? Et plus laid.

Translation: Wait. B-9B? Is it the B-9B? I thought he was much smaller? And uglier.

Volt: He got an upgrade. A lot of upgrades actually. The I-100 will land tomorrow to escort him during the testing of Project Firestorm.
AMX-10M: « Projet Firestorm ? » Ne me dites pas que vous lui avez appris à cuisiner, car pour mémoire, je ferais plus confiance à un repas de ce gars de Megamind qu'à une de vos excuses désolées pour un repas.

Translation: "Project Firestorm?" Don't tell me you taught him how to cook, because for the record, I'd trust a meal from that Megamind guy more than one of your sorry excuses for a meal. (Note: "Megamind" is what AMX-10M calls the Mastermind of the RCE)

Volt: I assure you, I didn't teach him, but he is going to cook.
TVT-FT: Wait but what about me?
Volt: We'll still need you. I heard that B-9B might cook.... too much...

This war is about to take a massive turning point



MDA Allies:
@Marulk (allied supplier of the MDA, specifically with the RTAF and Hsiang drones and Soko J-20 Kragujs - They're gonna appear soon if you're reading this)
@JABH (manufacturer)
@Boeing727200F (builder of the F-13Q and A-19, as well as several other aircraft and weapons utilized by the MDA)
@Noname918181818181818181 (maker of the freaking epic Lagwing)

I know the said vehicles aren't here but I'm giving credits anyways.

@TitanicBuff (Formerly)


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    1,862 SPsidearm

    Our AC-130s Solos against these. We will win.

    -evil Arnold

    (pin pls)

    Pinned 5 days ago
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    Fear the black wings of death.

    Pinned 6 days ago
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    4 days ago
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    @SPsidearm But idk where it went

    5 days ago
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    @SPsidearm @JSTQ
    Napalm needs material.
    I'm gonna set the whole air on fire.

    5 days ago
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    1,862 SPsidearm

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover! The DoF lost one of it's XZ-02 Supply carriers (despite the name, no. They're not hover carriers)!
    Help us recover them, please?
    (pretty much a teaser)

    5 days ago
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    @SPsidearm VENCEREMOS!!

    5 days ago
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    3,873 JSTQ

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover Are you going to have Napalm? My theory of it is still limited to replicating it with machine guns.

    5 days ago
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    1,862 SPsidearm

    Hell, even Icarus solos.

    5 days ago
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    1,862 SPsidearm

    With what? Napalm?

    5 days ago
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    @SPsidearm You're gonna be unpleasantly surprised.

    5 days ago
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    3,873 JSTQ

    @SPsidearm Is it the air gunboat that I thought could only have a positive effect if one had complete control of the air

    5 days ago
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    This guy gets it!

    5 days ago
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    Death from above.

    +1 5 days ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover k

    5 days ago
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    Just a few mins I was busy

    5 days ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover this was 30min ago

    5 days ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover yay

    5 days ago
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    @MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 Aight soon

    5 days ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover can you tag me on B-9B I would like to see something

    5 days ago
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    @KPLBall we can send both, the Ghost doesn't do as well long range

    5 days ago
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    26.0k KPLBall

    @MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 I still like my I-100 tho :(

    5 days ago
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    26.0k KPLBall

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover ahhh

    5 days ago
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    @KPLBall PS: The stealth coat is so that I can fly the B-9B and I-100 at the same time, but that means making them the same aircraft, and thus the same liveries

    5 days ago
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    @KPLBall yeah but I’m still sending it, it will perform better than the I-100 in a dogfight

    5 days ago
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