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Downvote system

17.4k StockPlanesRemastered  3 days ago

The website needs a downvote system. I'll explain later today (like around 4pm pst)

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    6,245 F16xl

    I kinda want to hear the explaination

    10 minutes ago
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    26.7k Souplane

    i would be dead

    +1 yesterday
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    15.2k TTL

    @126 as a troll
    You are too right. It would go wayyyyy downhill

    2 days ago
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    137k BaconEggs

    lil negaative nany :DDDD burhhh

    2 days ago
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    Just un-upvote the post, if the un-upvoted users are aware, then they can actually see their red/minus points in the profile > points > this week or this month. I guess that's how downvote works

    +1 2 days ago
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    27.9k 126

    @Rb2h exactly, this website ain't reddit, and it will never be for obvious reasons

    +1 2 days ago
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    5,930 Rb2h

    This ain't Reddit

    +3 2 days ago
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    6,245 F16xl

    I would downvote this idea

    +6 3 days ago
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    6,245 F16xl

    @AManMayDieButNotHisIdeas Bro, I’ve read the rules twice, and have under half of this guy’s points

    3 days ago
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    3 days ago
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    @HuskyDynamics01 It's that simple.

    3 days ago
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    Obviously a bad idea when it comes to posting planes, especially to the newer players or SP users. Plus, as everybody have already stated here in the comments, they are more susceptible to being harassed and downright get bullied by trolls through abusing the system (like making multiple accounts to upvote your own stuff).

    Plus, aren't you suppose to know better about the website's rules as a gold-ranked user. Downvoting posts would technically mean that the user's creation sucks, which is against the website's rules or the system just completely breaks apart.

    Unless you forgot to say something specific about this “downvoting system” (like as a way to disagree with a suggestion), then apologies if I was way to worrisome.

    Just emphasize what you are supposed to say next time, unless ofcourse you want to say something straightfoward.

    +2 3 days ago
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    57.1k bjac0

    This has been proven to be a bad idea. Long time ago (like 8 years ago?) the SP website used to use a 5-star rating system instead of the upvote system. What would often happen is that new players would often get low ratings and that would then drive them away because often your first build is gonna be objectively garbage. There were also a few times that players would use the feature to target others and knowing some of the... factions on today's site, I think such a feature would just be a recipe for disaster. It's a lot easier to moderate rude comments than rude ratings.

    +4 3 days ago
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    don't upvote stuff?

    +2 3 days ago
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    @ShinyGemsBro Yes, there are a lot of anime haters (no matter how good the build is in quality, the very fact of having anime activates their animal rage).
    The same goes for other types of equipment (the same Tanks, I met players who said that Tanks suck and SP is only for planes), the same applies to realism (no matter how high-quality the build is, what functions and detailed, if it’s not realistically - this is complete crap for them).

    +4 3 days ago
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    if you go to airline manager 4s forms in game you can see how bad of an idea this is
    i have been spam downvoted many MANY times because people cant stand a new player saying an idea who helped them

    +1 3 days ago
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    that, will be a very VERY horrible idea

    +1 3 days ago
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    3,116 Solent19

    no. that would just lead to people bullying each other and if there's something really bad you can already report it, which obviously isn't "practical" for such things

    +2 3 days ago
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    6,245 F16xl

    Then are people gonna get negative points!

    +2 3 days ago
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    42.9k ShinyGemsBro

    This will backfire horribly.
    You should know by now how there's a large audience of idiots in the community that have a collective, sometimes blind way of thought.

    +7 3 days ago
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    16.1k BYardley

    But this is will just encourage and make it easy for people to go bullying low rank players.

    +2 3 days ago
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    5,642 overlord5453

    @126 but like @SILVERPANZER said, it can be good way to keep forums and comments under order.

    +1 3 days ago
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    27.9k 126

    @overlord5453 exactly, stuff like this is what trolls crave for, and not in a good way.

    +4 3 days ago
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    5,642 overlord5453

    It can backfire, horribly.

    +4 3 days ago
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    Only if it applies to forums and comments.
    I am against this being on builds.
    The problem is that this can lead to bullying of players, also having friends in SP, you can make a massive downvote on a specific player, and there are many fans of replicas and realism in the game who may not like fictional builds, this can lead to the destruction of fictional content or a specific type of build (example: Tanks) in SP.

    +9 3 days ago
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