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[S-War] Just flying over hostile territory. What could possibly go wrong?

2,690 AManWillDieButNotHisIdeas  3 days ago


The following is a transcription log of a military incident.

A SkyCorps Raven piloted by Lt. Curtiss Haille (callsign: Weasel 12) was conducting a reconnaissance mission over Snowstone when it was fired upon by SAMs.

AWACS Controller: “Weasel 12, how's the stealth?”

Weasel 12: “It seems like everything is working. I'm not being picked up by their-”

Warning System: beeping sound

Weasel 12: “What? I'm being locked on by-”

Warning System: Missile Inbound, Evade.

Weasel 12: “Shoot, Missile inbound! Weasel 12 defending!”

Weasel 12 evades the first missile.

AWACS Controller: “Weasel 12, how's your status?”

Weasel 12: “It seems that the Raven's stealth technology didn't work. They've somehow managed to detect my aircraft.”

Weasel 12: “My countermeasures did not- OH GOD!”

Weasel 12 banks hard left and does a 5g turn, barely missing the missile by a few centimeters.

Weasel 12: (breathing heavily)

AWACS Controller: “Weasel 12, abort from mission area immediately.”

Weasel 12: “Roger that!”

They are definitely trying to get into our nerves, huh?

Builds used:
- SkyCorps Raven

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    We, the Veridisian Federation, will not be joining the club yet though.

    Pinned 3 days ago
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    1,862 SPsidearm

    And, we'll cover in aids up to 10M Nolics.

    +1 2 days ago
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    As a response, we will withdraw our forces from the S-War.

    2 days ago
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    1,862 SPsidearm

    We'll take it. For payment, The Mastermind will give about 25 Icaruses. (Ospreys equipped with healing pods)

    2 days ago
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    @SPsidearm What if we try negotiating by offering Retronia 10 new F/A-18 fighters and 300 million dollars as compensation?

    2 days ago
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    1,862 SPsidearm

    You can try, but it will be not be smoothly.

    2 days ago
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    1,862 SPsidearm

    Canonically, Mastermind is a conscious, mentally insane 52 year old Mind stored inside an flight computer, that's in a F-15.
    Ask @TheUltimatePlaneLover for more info.
    If you try to negotiate with him, he'll offer only 10 dollars.

    2 days ago
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    @SPsidearm Is your mastermind really much of a living psychopath or is he simply just trying to threaten the sovereignity of the Federation?

    Can we atleast try sorting this out?

    2 days ago
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    1,862 SPsidearm


    "Mastermind! Temper, temper!"

    2 days ago
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    1,862 SPsidearm

    The following log is classified.

    From we, from Retro directly. After the destruction of our aircrafts, we are going to make a statement.


    "Hey, hey! Calm down!"

    2 days ago
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    @AManMayDieButNotHisIdeas a lot

    2 days ago
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    @MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 Really? What on Earth has been going down there?

    2 days ago
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    This is probably due to the fact that they have been attacked recently, give them a heads up next time

    +1 2 days ago