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Very very slow pitch rate

126 subspacetripmine12  4 months ago

My plane uses canards and has maybe the worst pitch rate of anything ever with less than a single degree up or down a second when the stick is pulled all the way back or forwards. I don't know what it is causing it. I have tried large control surfaces, using rotators to rotate the whole stabilizer instead of just control surfaces, and even adding elevators to my main wings, and it still does not work. I know the aircraft isn't stalling because I'm at a fairly high speed and I don't slow down when it happens, it is just insanely slow to the point where I essentially cannot pitch up or down because of how little the speed is.

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    They were lined up but the masses were incredibly strange

    4 months ago
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    @subspacetripmine12 if the com is too far ahead of col the plane will be hard to maneuver. Too close, it will be unstable.

    4 months ago
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    after making the engines weightless and adjusting the com a little bit it went from 20,000 lb to around 6,000.

    4 months ago
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    turns out: youre a genius! my plane was 20k lbs because my engines through my weight off so I made my nose very heavy to balance it out which turned out to be the problem.

    4 months ago
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    I have a feeling that it's not too nose heavy as the center of mass is behind the middle of the aircraft's fuselage so I'm somewhat confident that that's not the problem thanks for trying to help me though

    4 months ago
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    It's too nose heavy. Reduce the weight.

    4 months ago