How do I apply for my country to join the MDA?
Can my company also join the MDA?
Question for the MDA
16.2k MosquitowithaMachineGun
2 months ago
How do I apply for my country to join the MDA?
Can my company also join the MDA?
@Mosquitowithagun k thanks
There on there way.
5 is good to start out with @Mosquitowithagun
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 how many?
Join, not right now, we're In the middle of a war, planes, can I get some kiv-31s and 32s
@TheMouse Np
Let me talk to the air force.
Mind tagging him?
@TheMouse ok.
Can I trade you some planes? If so, which ones do you want?
Planes, vehicles guns, weapons, supplies.
Generally planes and stuff like that though.
@TheMouse trade what..?
Depends. We can trade, thats how we generally do it.
@TheMouse ok. How do I send supplies (like planes)?