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[S-War] One of the few remaining fighters of the RCF intercepted and shot down by Griffins.

2,690 AManWillDieButNotHisIdeas  2 days ago




At 3:32 PM on October 19, 2024, two RCF F/A-18C fighters are intercepted and promptly shot down by two VerdAir Griffins while conducting a training exercise over the Wright Sea after aggressively firing numerous missiles against the Veridisian fighters.

The incident further escalated the tension between the two nations as a separate incident occured the same day just hours apart.

The following is the transcription log that had happened that day.

- Maj. Allen Banter (callsign: Javelin 4)
- Maj. William C. Mondey (callsign: Javelin 19)
- AWACS Operator (callsign: Battle Mace)


Javelin 4:Contact, heading towards 120, 50 miles, altitude 7,200 feet. It appears to be heading towards us.

Battle Mace:Roger, contact confirm, bogey. Aggressively accelerating at a speed of 620 miles per hour.

Javelin 19:Bogey, 43 miles, heading 110, altitude 6,800 feet.

Battle Mace:It looks we got the bogey confirmed to be an RCF Hornet.

Javelin 4:Copy that.

Javelin 19:I got a second contact. Battle Mace please confirm over.

Battle Mace: “Contact confirm. RCF F/A-18, 31 miles, heading 200, altitude at 7,100, over.

Javelin 4:Bandit confirm. I've been shot at. Deploying flares. Are we clear to engage?

Battle Mace:Roger, you're clear to intercept and engage bandits over.

Javelin 4 takes evasive manuevers to evade missile and deploys flares.

Javelin 4:Fox 1.

Javelin 4 fires an AAM-96 missile, but the Retronian F/A-18 deploys countermeasures.

Javelin 4:19, I'm engaging bandit. Let's split up.

Both Griffins split up to engage their respective hostile targets.

Javelin 4:Deploying flares!

Javelin 4 deploys flares to evade the numerous missiles fired by the Hornet.

Both opposing planes engage and take turns.

Javelin 4 fires his gun, but the rounds miss the bandit.

Javelin 4 successfully takes out the Hornet.


Javelin 4:Splash, bandit down.

Battle Mace:Copy.

Meanwhile, Javelin 19 engages the second bandit which also fires numerous missiles towards him.

Javelin 19 takes out the second bandit.

Javelin 19:Splash bandit, over.

Battle Mace:Roger.

Javelin 19: “Banter, let's get out of here.


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    @SPsidearm Great! :)

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    1,862 SPsidearm

    We'll let him in.

    +1 yesterday
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    @SPsidearm His name is Kyle Newman, a captured Veridisian mercenary, better known by his callsign “Jackhammer”. He served in numerous wars from 1995 to 2017 but have always wanted to join the armed forces of another nation. Since then, he has been exiled to another country with his Veridisian citizenship revoked. He may be the right guy suited for you.

    Just remember that once he dies, the RCE should pay compensation to his family.

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    1,862 SPsidearm

    What's his name?

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    @SPsidearm We already found the right guy. This ‘guy’ does have a personality similar to Badgir. Should we employ him?

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    1,862 SPsidearm

    Employ a Guy/Gal who wears a smiliar outfit and personality as Badgir's to the Council.
    Badgir is shown to have a rather tempered and commanding personality. This might be caused by his experience fighting the war. Badgir is the second in the command of the 65th Security squadron, next to Sciz (who's KIA or MIA).

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    @SPsidearm Apologies, we did not know that we unintentionally shot down a hero or high-profile member of the RCF.

    Besides, we do not have any intentions to start a confrontation. I think the SAMs may have identified the Raven as an MDA aircraft by mistake.

    Any other ways to compensate for the lost of Badgir?

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    1,862 SPsidearm

    Extra note.
    Its F/A-18As.

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    1,862 SPsidearm



  • Profile image
    1,862 SPsidearm

    Ok... Ok....
    f-15 taking off noises

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    @SPsidearm That's just the game's aircraft carrier, but for roleplay reasons, it's the VAC Bulwark.

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    1,862 SPsidearm

    By the way, is that your Aircraft carrier or what? The RRN (Royal Retronian Navy) 'Cavala' has the same design as the carrier above.

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    1,862 SPsidearm


    2 days ago
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    @JSTQ Thank you.

    2 days ago
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    3,873 JSTQ


    +1 2 days ago
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    @JSTQ OK, but how should I notify them, just use @ to notify RCE?

    2 days ago
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    3,873 JSTQ

    @AManMayDieButNotHisIdeas only RCE. This matter is not currently related to MDA. If you two can resolve it privately, there won't be so much trouble

    2 days ago
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    @JSTQ Not yet though, should I notify them?

    2 days ago
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    3,873 JSTQ

    @AManMayDieButNotHisIdeas Have you notified RCF about this matter

    2 days ago
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    1 & 2.) The Federation has not joined the war yet nor did they declare war, but a military stir up caused this incident. One of the Federation's aircraft flew over the remaining bits of RCF territory to assess the situation over Snowstone, but it was fired upon by their SAMs, prompting them to make a retaliatory attack against the Federation. The Griffins acted defensively in the incident, but it worsened the relationship between the two countries. The Federation has yet to negotiate with Retronia.

    3.) The Federation is neither sides of the conflict, but spectators who were incidentally attacked.

    4.) Never knew I was suppposed to tag people in forum posts like this one.

    +1 2 days ago
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    3,873 JSTQ

    @AManMayDieButNotHisIdeas Do you need me to help you notify others?

    2 days ago
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    3,873 JSTQ

    @AManMayDieButNotHisIdeas When did you join the war? Where is the declaration of war? Which faction are you from? Why don't you @ other people?

    2 days ago
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    The Veridisian Federation

    2 days ago
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    3,873 JSTQ

    ? wait who are you

    2 days ago
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    It seems that despite their already weakening power, they still have the potential to fight back.

    2 days ago
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