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[S-War] Operation Astro-Inferno

59.9k TheUltimatePlaneLover  12 hours ago

This is Jumper 1, ready to launch.


What's going on? What's Operation Astro-Inferno?

Well, following the successful testing of "Project Firestorm," the RCE/DoF forces collectively agreed to prepare nuclear warheads on Gray-APC vehicles (ignore the fact that their nukes didn't get erased by TUPL, Combined SimpleVerse has to let some plotholes slide in such a massive collaboration), as well as officially announce the capture of Avalanche Airport.

The MDA response was brutal.

At about 10:00 PM, October 21, 2024, about 40 MDA Soko J-20s donated by Marulk along with a 10 FI-90N-5s were sent across the lands to hunt down all nuclear-powered vehicles. Strikes took place on pretty much all of the territories, with Skypark and Maywar being the only real exceptions, but our photographers were on Wright, thus all of the Astro-phase pictures were taken on Wright. Yes, Operation Astro-Inferno is two phases, hence the reason for the name "Astro-Inferno."

Astro Phase

The upgraded J-20 flies over the "concave beach" of Wright, firing a missile to quickly destroy a Gray-APC.

Thanks to its new night-gear camouflage, the J-20 is quite difficult to see in the pictures. Even when lit up, you can just barely make out the shape of its wings blocking out the explosions on the ground. The propeller is slightly more visible, though. Now, as you'll see in some upcoming pictures, it's not nearly as effective towards the sky, but almost invisible if the viewer is looking at the ground- which is the point. The RCE and DoF are, at least until resupply vehicles reach Wright, weak in surface-to-air defenses, meaning that MDA vehicles can fly over enemy ground units with little to no worry. The RCE's air force is quite large, but even radar can't be perfect with an opponent so well camouflaged.

The last thing a nuclear-armed RCE vehicle sees.


The RCE may have weak air defenses, but it never hurts to be safe. Plus, there's no enemy aircraft in the area, and if they are, they're not in the air, might as well flex a bit.

An FI-90N-5 takes off from Wright, prepared to attack enemy positions.

The FI-90N-5 fires its "gamma bomb," which allegedly can have effects just slightly weaker than normal bombs but with significantly better storage.

The new FI-90N-5 as it appears against the stars. I swear, the Operation Astro livery was harder to make than the actual upgrades.

Speaking of which, said FI-90 now has trailless missiles, which pretty much equates to invisible missiles at night (unless the target has missile detection radar).

Not all participants of Operation Astro-Inferno- well, mostly the Astro Phase- brought out the big guns. RTAF U1-Ms served as scout drones, locating vehicles at the precise moment in order to guide attackers to ultimately destroy the nuke chariots. Yes, we did think about sending them earlier to find them before the attack, but between unrelated reasons and a high chance of the targets gaining suspicions, we decided to send them alongside the aircraft.

The U1-M flies away from three Gray-APCs it just found. Notice how much more visible it is compared to the Kraguj and Star Thunder, showing that physical camouflage still has a place in modern warfare.

Preparing to land at Wright where it was launched. Despite its slow speed, lack of countermeasures, and easy-to-see paint, no U1-Ms were shot down, but they didn't get any kills either.

B-7B Precise Strikes were also on standby on all areas, ready to intervene in case something went wrong (specifically a situation where air support showed up, forcing the J-20s and FI-90N-5s to enter aerial combat, meaning the B-7Bs would take over the attack). However, the previous confidentiality of the attack made enemy planning virtually impossible, and by the time air support was ready, the damage had already been done.

Inferno Phase

Once RTAF U1-M scout drones confirmed all areas nuke-deprived, a single B-9B-M40 took off from the Ice Base... flew out a bit over the water so it wasn't too close to Snowstone, and dropped the heavy weapon born from Project Firestorm...

...and a massive burst of flaming particles engulfed Avalanche. The flaming material, whatever may be (NO I'M NOT USING NAPALM), completely singed Avalanche Airport and the RCE forces that had conquered it. The material, according to the few survivors, bounced across the airfield and wreaked havoc. It seemed like even the very air had caught fire. Survivors were hospitalized, and the airport was essentially unusable by dawn. However, no Snowstone residents or personnel outside of Avalanche were harmed.

No nukes. No Snowstone takeover. The mountains have been cleared. Bandit remains, and we're coming for that next.



MDA Allies:
@Marulk (allied supplier of the MDA, specifically with the RTAF and Hsiang drones and Soko J-20 Kragujs - They're gonna appear soon if you're reading this)
@JABH (manufacturer)
@Boeing727200F (builder of the F-13Q and A-19, as well as several other aircraft and weapons utilized by the MDA)
@Noname918181818181818181 (maker of the freaking epic Lagwing)
@LunarEclipseSP (I'm assuming)

I know the said vehicles aren't here but I'm giving credits anyways.

@TitanicBuff (Formerly)


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    The people have spoken...
    Strengthen up or surrender down.

    Pinned 10 hours ago
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    1,860 SPsidearm

    When did i say i surrendered?
    One of our Office geeks declared a false surrender, we fired him afterwards an gave him the [speedboat traitor] treatment

    2 hours ago
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    26.0k KPLBall

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover @SPsidearm man the F-33RG didn't even see fighting yet :(
    Niether did the F-63W :(

    3 hours ago
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    1,860 SPsidearm

    Forget what i said.

    3 hours ago
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    1,860 SPsidearm

    Yes yes, do whatever you want.
    We're busy delivering the veridisians brand new, unscratched Icaruses.

    +1 5 hours ago
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    3,873 JSTQ

    @SPsidearm Your story will provide us with assistance in developing defense combat theory

    6 hours ago
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    3,873 JSTQ

    @SPsidearm (´థ౪థ ) ☞

    6 hours ago
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    1,860 SPsidearm

    The logistics got cut, that's why.

    6 hours ago
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    3,873 JSTQ

    @SPsidearm I haven't seen you use it before

    7 hours ago
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    1,860 SPsidearm

    Ever heard of 'Decoy things' the DoF researched?

    7 hours ago
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    3,873 JSTQ

    @SPsidearm How could the modified aircraft possibly have flown MDA's custom aircraft. To surpass the current form of warfare until MDA cannot understand and is helpless.

    7 hours ago
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    1,860 SPsidearm

    So, what's the Mastermind's fate? Will HICOM be Disbanded?
    Will the New law actually be decent? No civil wars, right?

    7 hours ago
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    1,860 SPsidearm

    Wait wasn't Bandit is in KPL?

    7 hours ago
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    1,860 SPsidearm

    [the reason why I'm not that active is bcuz school. And yet, i still focus on airplane modding.]

    7 hours ago
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    1,860 SPsidearm

    If they even do try.
    The MDA Is too strong now, with Retronia on their treasure.

    7 hours ago
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    3,873 JSTQ

    @SPsidearm #End.

    I didn't even see the tank battle, I only knew that after the storm, MDA continued bombing and won. I hope the next challenger can be stronger and more interesting.

    7 hours ago
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    3,873 JSTQ

    @SPsidearm ?

    7 hours ago
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    1,860 SPsidearm

    [i have school]

    7 hours ago
  • Profile image
    1,860 SPsidearm

    Agreement Settled.
    The MDA officially owns Retronia now. War is over.
    The flag will be changed soon, all Retronian culture will be semi-erased. All Vehicle factories will still be operational, but under MDAn supervision.
    [Retro is now colonised, ironic.]

    "Our struggle for survival led us to this."
    "Through struggle and and strife of our blood have paid the debt"
    "But yet, even with our mission complete... We have better seeds to sow. Our land is now theirs.."
    "Let that be the federation's legacy."


    Pin pls

    7 hours ago
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    3,873 JSTQ

    … The situation has escalated to something I don't like to see. S's strategy is worse than I imagined. While MDA Air Force has not completed its transformation yet.

    Our actions must be accelerated

    +2 10 hours ago
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    13.0k Karroc9522

    @Christiant2 I'm with you brother

    +2 10 hours ago
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    33.6k Christiant2

    I have no words. This is just carnage. Not even war. I have no say of words for such a show of force.


    +1 11 hours ago
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    dear god
    we are most likely winning

    +1 11 hours ago
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    12 hours ago
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    @TitanicBuff (Formerly)

    12 hours ago
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