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I don't think im active anymore but i will be soon

5,838 Anguirus380  4 months ago

Hello guys, this Anguirus380, ive been not using simpleplanes since then.

You may saw the previous forum before that im making something new but at the time it lag so i try do something till i had began when i accidently deleted simpleplanes app but a month later, the computer that i used to post planes and forum crashed, i still make forums like this one your looking at it but i was not able to make and post plane stuff, and also since theres the sequel of simpleplanes, i was about to have it but since then it cost money which i did not have enough and also i had a another computer but it will be lag cause the computer was not desgin to hold like this when i make plane better, and i was busy making youtube video which the last time i made the video but it would not likely happen due to the money i told you previously, therefore i was making a trip report video but due to the long editing and my school which is why i was not active simpleplanes. So therefore i can't post planes but i will make forum post soon.

Cya guys