[Leetom Allet Softworks [Version 04.2.12071.3448]
[(R) Leetom Allet Softworks. All rights reserved.]
Now, when we said 'We've Also bribed some of the radar operators to let us through, so don't worry about being intercepted', We just don't mean Snowstonian operators, but some of YEAGER's. That's right. We managed to bribe them off.
Now, we're taking the Haybrams (A-14 counter) for its maiden flight, but it's Pilot accidentally gets redirected, so HICOM Personnel made it a recon flight.
"He, Hekommandostridinzitomera, Yapratremitoyawangkuengtunaim-"
HICOM GUY: "Agh- svhh..... Redaz ta Campo, thas Emea WAL kow."
[Translation: Ag... Shit... Return to Camp, the Enemy WILL know.]
"Akatsia, Cordem. Thas Pastro zkas kow."
[translation: Confirm, command. The Country shall know.]
HICOM GUY: "Akatsiat, des Visteco iz bas thas MDA, Quiusor 100%."
[Translation: Confirmed. The victim will be the MDA, Accuracy 100%.]
[with resolution/more brightness]
[Now, Des and Tha mean the same thing, just different words.]
This also marks the first ever instance of Retronian (Rutro) being used.
With enough resolution, you can see it.
1. Actually I don't use a custom currency, I just use the USD. Like Kelly Johnson said, Keep It Simple, Son (the second S normally stands for stupid but I'ma say son bc why not)
2. Ok
3. Huh... I don't think Takusha has served in the war though? She's been inactive ever since the TNP fight, definitely not planning to unleash great evil upon the world.
@SPsidearm and ur Nolic is fake aswel so
250 Million Nolics on the line along with Fake KPL currencies.
"they weren't in active patrol in this scenario."
The council CAN'T bribe planes.
@SPsidearm and btw KPL currency in 20 times that of the USD
No I-100-1?
TBH you only I know how to bribe I-100-1, if you think u know, give me your best guess
1. Bro. 12.5 Nolics equals 1 USD. i bet your currency is worth less.
2. Ok.
3. "A tanker in the 25th division had PTSD, he watched his compatriots get picked off by Energite 7s and A flying T-34. ever since, he modded his Trusty tank with a railgun."
1. I'm good, not even the Russians accept nolics...
2. I watched a tutorial (a while back), I know how, I just lost interest ;-;
3. Why tho?
1. Nolics are the new, de-facto currency in Combined SPverse, I'm declaring it. Want some?
2. It's actually pretty easy if you figure it out (what tank)
3. Yes.
1. ykw I'm just gonna manage radar from now on and leave defenses to Steve, I'm unbribeable
2. Tried to make a tank stabilizer once, but never tried again simply because I wasn't interested
3. Takusha?
The T-34-57 is still looking for her.
Do any of your tanks have an Stabilizer? One plane or two plane?
We bribed with 15 billion Nolics.
@TheUltimatePlaneLover this is what happens when head of air force is gone off and on
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 You know what
I'm deploying Steve
How did that even happen...
@TheUltimatePlaneLover none of them were on active patrol
The FI-90s makes sense, they do perform air defense but unlike the others they're "docked" on the airfield and have to be notified to the air.
But the A-40Bs is a little alarming. Several have been converted to A-40Ds, but some are still protecting Yeager, right? When did they get removed?
No F-33? No F-34? No Skywolf? No D2 Dolphin? No Super Hydra? No F-200? No Anti-Aircraft Aircraft (Yes he's canon, he's not exactly with the MDA but he's a Krakabloa patriot)? No F-10 Late? No Intimidator/Interdictor? No SK-3? No TK-3? No FT-3/4? No FA-32? No A-52 (He's on Wright but I'm mentioning him anyways)? No Vector? Not even P-72, P-41, Bandit, or TFA-1??? Not even AA fire?!? What kind of base is Yeager without proper defenses?! (Not all of them, just any of them, I'd take even a swarm of P-72s at this point, I thought Yeager was better protected)
A few honorable mentions; F/CAS-12, P-10, and A-13 could be used, but they're attackers, F-11Y3 and F-67 are sorta forgotten, Takusha probably wouldn't help us for such a small matter, and the Su-78 hasn't been in service since the M-War (but yes we still have those on hand)
@TheUltimatePlaneLover no, the 36s are the only air defenders
But we still have the A-40Bs and FI-90s right?
@TheUltimatePlaneLover I may or may not have forgotten to redeploy them, I pulled them out to deal with something else
No F-36?
*I don't think you can bribe our pilots so why didn't they intercept?