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(Coming Soon) F-1A: Air Destroyer

10.5k AircraftExperimental  3 months ago

Historical Note:

The F-1A Kudezebakuyo (Designated By Americans as: A1M1 Air Destroyer) was a fighter aircraft, developed by Wright in early 1940s, the fighter was equipped with 4 M2 Browning machine gun as its primary armament, the Fighter can carry 10 HVAR Rockets, 2 Tiny Tim rocket, and 6 AN-M57 bombs, it performed very similarly to the Imperial Japan opposing forces A6M2 fighters, and allied USA P-51 Mustang fighter, except it can carry a tiny tim rocket, and 6 250lb bombs, the same Fighter with modern things is designated as F9F-1 Sedozuruji, it was fitted with a AN/APS-6 radar, found in the American F6F-5N turboprop fighter aircraft but the Sedozuruji's main advantage is its modern avionics, CCRP for bombs and an infrared Screen installed inside the cockpit.