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An idea I just came up with

3,780 ThatKindaWeeb  one month ago

Hi, I'm back, but not for long, sorry. :(

So, me and a friend on discord were looking at Ace Combats COFFIN System (ENSI) we both came up with a nightmare-scenario for a COFFIN system where if the aircraft suffered an electronic failure, it would feel like being put to sleep, everything is dark, and you don't know what's going on, because all the screens turn off, leaving you blind mid flight.

I know this is possible with FT but I don't have the knowledge or even a basic understanding of code for that matter, but I wanna see it visualized so bad.

I'd appreciate if someone could help me make such a horror a scary reality.

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    10.7k overlord5453

    @ThatKindaWeeb so you only want the hud to turn off?

    one month ago
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    10.7k overlord5453

    @ThatKindaWeeb neither can I 😂

    one month ago
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    @overlord5453 I remember seeing it done with labels, but I definitely couldn't understand it if I tried

    one month ago
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    @MizeaO I don't know much about FT only small things, so I don't think I could help much, but sure.

    one month ago
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    10.7k overlord5453

    @ThatKindaWeeb ohh. For that you will need the camera and screen mode. Without that there is no way of recreating it.

    one month ago
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    9,892 MizeaO

    Let's try? Add my discord.

    one month ago
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    @overlord5453 I meant more like what you'd see with the first person in an ADF-01 FALKEN if it's electrical systems are damaged, there's a possibility the screens either blue screen, or just turn off completely, I'd love to create that effect.

    one month ago
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    10.7k overlord5453

    It's possible, if only three is an funky trees output that tells you when the aircraft is critically damaged, and there isn't any. If only there was a way to monitor the part health.

    one month ago