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Swiss Papers, Otesk War 1941

47.4k KPLBall  3 months ago

1941, North-West Indonesia, Fate of the Hiiu

The BattlecruiserHiiu set off from Point Gamma, on an Blockade Run to rendezvous with the Combined fleet of the Indes Allies.

On the morning of March 16th, 1941, the BattlecruiserHiiu set off with her escort of two Otesk Class heavy cruisers, a Lutesk Class Light Cruiser, a Kraców Class light cruiser, two Tigris Class destroyers, and two Camisir II Class destroyers. The entire purpose of this was to make the Japanese think that multiple fleets were going to be roaming around to sink Japanese Convoys, though the entire purpose was to meet up with the other fleets. On the way there though, Vice Admiral Alexander encountered a small Japanese destroyer flotilla and easily sunk them.

(Hiiu sinking the Akizuki)
Soon afterwards the Hiiu sent a PZL-2-N bi-plane scout to check out the area up ahead, 15 minutes later, the Hiiu was radioed that the only ships up ahead where the Battlecruiser Derfflinger and two destroyer escorts.

(The PZL-2-N spotting the "Derfflinger")
She sailed towards the direct west of the central island of Indonesia, and encountered what the thought to be the allied Battleship Derfflinger, but it turned out to be the Kongo. The Kongo open fired on the Hiiu, blowing its ammorack up, and causing the ship to break to pieces.

(The Hiiu sinking)
Soon after the Hiiu blew up, the destroyer Hussar, a Camisir II Class destroyer, torpedo the Kongo, causing the Japanese Battlecruiser to explode, break in two, and explode again sinking one of the escorting destroyers.

(The Hussar torpedoing the Kongo)
Sonny afterwards, the Hussar detected a submarine off radar, the submarine turned out to be the new I-52, a submarine that is very short in hight, only 25ft tall, this caused her to be classified as a long midgit submarine, but carried standard submarine armament. The Hussar dropped depth charges, blowing the boat up, and sending her 150ft under water.

(The Hussar sinking the I-52)
Soon afterwards, the Hussar turned it's attention to the last, un-named destroyer, possibly a Kagero Class, she fired three rounds, causing her to stop, before the Danzig sank the Japanese destroyer with five torpedos. At the end of this engagement, the 8 remaining Polish ships sail to the meeting spotz after destroying an admirals flagship.

(The Hussar picks up survivors from the destroyer)

1941, South-Eastern Indonesia, The meeting

While the Hiiu met it's fate, the four Polish forces in Indonesia met at one spot to start the journey south. The four forces where: Force Alpha, led by Super-Dreadnought Warsaw; Force Beta, led by the Super-Dreadnought Laane; Force Gamma, led by Dreadnought Criuleni; and Force Delta, led by Dreadnought Somalia. When these forces met, they encountered the 28th Destroyer Flotilla soon a battle started, where the Polish suffered slight damage to the Criuleni.

(The Criuleni sinking a Japanese destroyer)
As they where headed down, the Polish encountered another battle, this time with two destroyer flotillas, this time the Battleship Criuleni suffered a torpedo hit, and went from 24 knots, down to 13 knots. The only other ship damaged was the Somalia, taking a fire in Turret Alpha.

(A Japanese destroyer torpedos the Criuleni)
During this time the aircraft carrier Jakob Murray launched aircraft to cover the strikenCriuleni, to save her from any air attacks.

(Carrier Jakob Murray)
She also sent out scouts to see what there might be up ahead, one of those scouts found the aircraft carrier Akistu Maru, in port for repairs.

(A PZL-33-Trop scout finds the Akistu Maru)
Soon after, bombers on were sent on their way from a British fort, the bombers sent where PZL-25s outfitted with 4000Ibs bombs, Halifax MKIIIs, Fokker T.Vs, and TBDs. First of these was the Halifaxs, bombing the port so repairs could not be done.

(A Halifax MKIII bombs a port)
Next to come where the TBD-1s, who where going to sit k the aircraft carrier Akistu Maru, they came in low so not to be shot by AA, and dropped their payloads. Only one hit, and the one that hit detonated the bomb-room for the dive-bombers.

(A TBD flying over the sinking Akistu Maru)
Next to come where the T.Vs, who where bombing the runway to stop the fighters from taking off, only one T.V was lost due to AA, none to Air to air collisions, and none to enemy fire. The T.Vs where success full enough that it would take weeks to repair the airfield.

(A Fokker T.V bombs the enemy airfield)
Finally the PZL-25s came in, and dropped their payloads on the runway, and hangers. The onslaught of 4000Ibs bombs disabled every aircraft in the ground, and by disabled they where unusable for the rest of their life.

( A PZL-25 bombs hangers.)
Back with the Criuleni, even fighters have to return to base, so the PZL-38-Ttops returned to the Jakob Murray, just as four Ki-5Ts came in, and sunk the Criuleni with 8 torpedos, 6 missed, one defected, but one hit. The hit ruptured the bow off of the Criuleni and blew up, 10ft out of the water, and it sunk in 10 minutes.

(The Criuleni during and after being hit by the torpedo)

October 1941, Northern Indonesia

Another harbor raid, started by an OS2U spotting the battleship Tosa in a port 800 miles away, she radioed the Tosa's position to Combat Air Command, also known as CAC.

(The OS2U reporting the Tosa's position)
Soon afterwards, the flight of TBD-1s, who where a mere 400 miles away, where sent to sink the Tosa, followed by Halifaxs, B-17Ds, Fokker T.Vs, and PZL-25s.

(The Tosa being sunk by a TBD-1)
Next came the Halifaxs, bombing the airfield, and destroying all chance of getting a Zeke in the air.

(A Halifax bombs the airfield)
Next to arrive where the B-17Ds, who bombed a Sea-plane port, along with a H8K Emily, two H6Ks, a A6M2-N Zeke, and multiple parts needed to keep the others working. A B-17D also got off course and bombed the Japanese sea-plane tender Yamashira Maru.

(A B-17D bombs the sea-plane port)
Next up where the T.Vs, who would bomb the Cargo-Plane strip, and the Tank Shelters on the nearby Island. 16 Fokker T.Vs came in, and tore the place up. Eighteen out of 20 Ha-Gos destroyed, and four cargo planes gone.

(A T.V destroyers the Cargo-Plane runway.)
Finally 8 PZL-25s came in, destroying the bridges and bunkers with there 4000Ibs bombs, only two where lost, one by a returning A6M2-N and one to AAA.

(A PZL-25 destroys a bridge.)

December 7th, 1941, The day of Infamy

On the morning of December 7th, 1941, three waves consisting of G53Ns launched from Russia, A6M2bs, and Ki-5Bs bombed Pearl-Harbor, Hawaii. First ship sunk was the *Oklahoma, followed by the Arizona, then the West-Virginia, then the Utah, then the California, then the Mississippi, and then the Tennessee, all sunk in quick succession.

(A Ki-5B sinks the Oklahoma)
Next, the Zeros strafed, Runways, Hangers, Hospitals, Ships, and Honolulu, making sure the USA doesn't want to mess with them.

(A A6M2b blows up a P-40F-10)
Following this, G53Ns appear, carrying 500Ibs bombs, demolishing Runways, Hangers, and Sea-plane docks. These G53Ns also score a kill on the heavy cruiser Houston.

(A G53N bombs the runway)
Lastly the new G53N-2s, equipped with extra machine gun ammo, tear up what is left of Pearl-Harbor with their 20mm cannons, they also tear up cars, M3 Stuarts, and PT-Boats all around the Island.

(A G53N-2 tears up what is left of a hanger)


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    47.4k KPLBall


    Battleships: Prince of Wales (UK), Warsaw (KPL), Laane (KPL), Littorio (Italy), and Scharnhorst (Germany)
    Battlecruisers: Constellation (USA), Somalia (KPL), Repulse (UK), Derfflinger (Germany), and Christoforo Columbio (Italy).
    Pocket Battleships: Odessa (KPL), and Graf Spee (Germany)
    Heavy Cruisers: 3x De-Ruyter class (Nether), 1x Celebes class(Nether), 2x Piet Hien class (Nether), 4x Otesk class (KPL), 4x New-Orleans class (USA), 1x Pensacola class (USA), 2x York class (UK), 8x Taranto class (Italy), Alberto fi Guissio class (Italy), and 2x Admiral Hipper class (Germany)
    Light cruisers: 6x Lutesk class (KPL), 8x Kraców class (KPL), 2x Omaha class (USA), 4x Danae class (UK), 4x Maximilian class (Nether), and 2x Holland class (Netherlands)
    Destroyers: 25x Camisir II class (KPL), 16x Tigris class (KPL), 2x Pantera class (KPL), 29x Clemson class (USA), 4x Wikes class (UK), 16x J-K-N class (UK), 8x Tribal class, 8x Amsterdam class (Nether), 16x 1939 class, and 8x Turbine class (Italy)

    Pinned 3 months ago
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    37.9k Christiant2

    @KPLBall Wow!

    +1 3 months ago
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    47.4k KPLBall

    @Christiant2 brother, I don't think you know, but that cross is funny because the Hiiu is a Holy Cross Class battlecruiser

    +2 3 months ago
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    37.9k Christiant2

    @KPLBall f 🙏✝️

    +1 3 months ago
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    3 months ago
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    47.4k KPLBall

    @Mosquitowithagun soon

    3 months ago
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    47.4k KPLBall

    @Mosquitowithagun yes

    3 months ago
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    @KPLBall F
    Also, just curious.. Wil the SRF-1 ever make it in?

    3 months ago
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    6,364 JABH



    3 months ago
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    6,364 JABH



    3 months ago
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    6,364 JABH



    3 months ago
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    6,364 JABH



    3 months ago
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    6,364 JABH



    3 months ago
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    37.0k Marulk



    3 months ago
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    47.4k KPLBall

    @Mosquitowithagun @Christiant2 @Marulk
    Can we get an F in chat for the Hiiu?

    +2 3 months ago
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    47.4k KPLBall

    @JABH @TheUltimatePlaneLover @Boeing727200F
    Can we get an F in chat for the Hiiu

    3 months ago
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    6,364 JABH

    December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor...

    +1 3 months ago
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    oh yeah the United States is joining in shit about to go wild

    3 months ago
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    47.4k KPLBall

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover Hiu has survived the entire war up until this point

    3 months ago
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    Naval Wa- wait there are some ground strikes too this time lol

    RIP Hiiu

    survived since yesterday's article I think
    Ayo G53N arrived!

    3 months ago
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    3 months ago
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    47.4k KPLBall


    3 months ago
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    47.4k KPLBall


    3 months ago
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    47.4k KPLBall


    3 months ago