Here is a guide to different SimplePlanes users and what to do if you encounter them.
Normal user
Description: just a normal person. I guess
What to do: Wish them a good day
Underage user
Description: Very annoying, randomly spam posting on satire posts on how they suck. They get mad whenever someone posts something that gets more attention than their post does.
What to do: Just report them, and MrSilverWolf will send them to the shadow realm.
Weeb user
Description: Usually not a threat, but a lot of them get extremely defensive when you ask why someone randomly posts anime NSFW.
What to do: If not a threat or a bad person, wish them a good day. If they are a threat or one of the bad ones
Note: These users can always be spotted by a profile picture of an anime girl wearing revealing clothing
Description: Very devoted users who go all in on making worlds, wars, etc
What to do: Dunno, wish them good luck if they’re at war, I guess
Moderator (This is a joke)
Description: Do NOT talk badly about any of them or you’re cooked. Approach with caution!
What to do: Don’t talk to them, and you’ll be okay.
Description: They do not have any intention to communicate with their fans besides Andrew and HellFire.
What to do: nothing. Even if you do message them, they won’t respond.
Description: Spam posting “furry” aircraft begging for attention from anti-furries, but only in extreme cases. Otherwise, they’re just normal aircraft makers.
What to do: Don’t interact if they are the attention-seekers.
Inactive user
Description: Dead. Maybe they respond once in a blue moon because they get an email for activity on their account. Their last post usually ranges between 3-5 years ago.
What to do: Nothing, they won't respond anyway.
Forum Dweller (Graingy)
Description: Always responding to anyone's forum post within a few minutes. It doesn't even matter who they are.
What to do: Dunno, respond, I guess
Mobile User
Description: Posting very blocky and low parts builds. But mobile users who don't post aircraft usually just get mad at pro users for making complex aircraft.
What to do: For the ones who complain about not being able to load an aircraft, tell them to either get a PC or stop complaining.
Users who should be mods
Description: Very nice, upstanding people who make people who don't follow TOS piss off. Cool people to talk to.
What to do: Just be a nice person to them. They deserve it
Drama Demons
Description: MrSilverWolf public enemy #1. Always trying to make drama and get attention. Usually resulting in a temp ban, but they don't care.
What to do: Report them.
Wanna-be terrorist users
Description: Usually spamming 757 builds with "I wanna crash it into towers." Most often, they are anti furries and racists. They are usually known to get banned extremely often, and they make 50 alts.
What to do: REPORT
Popular Users
Description: Every time they post, it gets on the front page. Every time they comment on something, the comment gets 5+ upvotes. Usually nice people
What to do: nothing, they most likely won't respond.
"Popular" Users
Description: People who think their builds (Which is either a stolen design or an aircraft made in 5 minutes) Should have 100 upvotes and be featured. (They usually have only 500 points)
What to do: Nothing, since they are also often Drama Demons as well
Wizards of the Funk (FT Builders)
Description: Using impressive funky trees code to make extremely complex builds or just making genuine AI or video games inside of SP.
What to do: Neil before them. They have more power than you.
So what happens If I talk to someone first? Ultra cooked?
Battle bot builder team !
I'm a Mobile Roleplayer who Doesn't Complain about pro builds
@Ashdenpaw1 ok
It's a Federal Signal 1000T, But there's no way to tell. so I applaud you for the effort.
I'm a siren guy. I took the photo in Minneapolis. I also own an FE Model 2
hold on, why is your pfp a Federal Signal Thunderbolt 1000?
I mean, you can call yourself a weeb, but you aren’t one of the bad ones
am I number 3
@Graingy okay, in all seriousness though, i do think them not saying that they're a furry is a good idea, and ash, just so you know that i have nothing against you, i just think that you're better off keeping that info to yourself if you really don't want to be harrased by people online.
@YarisSedan their purpose is to warn people about the Jerries overhead
@Graingy why should people even express themselves freely when they should've just fit in with the rest of society in the first place amirite?
Your furry has been cured.
@Graingy me neither, also @Ashdenpaw1, i think they're most likely perma-banned
@YarisSedan Not surprised.