So here's the Mustang atm. She flies beautifully and I've been fiddling around with XML modding a bit. I wanted to make it look like it had a Malcom Canopy but it looked to bare so another first gen canopy it is!
So here's the Mustang atm. She flies beautifully and I've been fiddling around with XML modding a bit. I wanted to make it look like it had a Malcom Canopy but it looked to bare so another first gen canopy it is!
Hmm quite good
We call them ether ford shelve or Ford Mustang from where I am @CarlosDanger13
Sorry to bother you here duck, but you aren't responding to steam.
@MediocrePlanes @DeezDucks sorry I started a fight
@Halfstrike how about a Shelby Mustang
I feel bad that you are getting barraged by so many questions!
How did you do the pics like that?
Can you possibly make an American squad of 3 P-51's and a German squad with 3 BF-190's that are controlled by rotator? So I can fly one plane at a time? INCLUDING GUNS? I'd use that on my PC and maybe get some sweet slow-mo shots
@DeezDucks oh
@AnarchistAerospaceIndustries Israeli Defense Force
Dafuq does IDF mean
@AnarchistAerospaceIndustries maybe I will. If not IDF ones
If this is a mustang, make it in the multiple War thunder skins
@DeezDucks sweet, I'll be looking forward to it
@Skua No one has made a decent RAF camo either. I aim to be the first.
@Aerobako sometime next week I hope.
When will it release?
@AnarchistAerospaceIndustries @XVIindustries Cannonstang trust me it will look a lot more like a muztangbonce its done.
Please stop bothering Ducks!
If you really want something I can make whatever for you...
The plane seriously looks like a Spitfire to most of us.. Especially the gun set-up
i mean in England we call it the p-51 mustang@CarlosDanger13
That's meant to be a mustang? Looks more like a very early spitfire to me
@Skua @DeezDucks it will standout and no one has made a IDF mustang on simple planes
@DeezDucks I think the IDF colour scheme is pretty nice, and it would be a bit different from the many, many Mustangs already on the site, but there's no point in you doing something you aren't interested in