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An Update to the war challenge im making

69.6k Yourlocalhuman  2 months ago

Oh, hi, we meet again!

Ahem quick to the point: Since the war challenge revolves around being not able to see what arw your enemies doing (cold war lmfaoo) that means you could identify what are the enemies using only from grainy or even almost terrible photos either taken by intellegence or civs somehow taking the pics

This feature not only makes both sides being more curious to each other, but it also lets players to play guessing games, and i think... Its more fun, i mean spoilers are always fun aye?

Do note, it may not appear but, there are diffrences between who takes the photo

Civilians taking the photos will be:
- Low resolution
- Far from the object
- Sometimes even blurry

Actual intels taking the photos will be:
- Medium, or HD 4K Ultra resolution even
- Medium to close to object
- Rarely gets blurry, and if it does, it means that said object that photographed is REALLY fast

Anyways bye.