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[SGB Lore] The Judgement

50.1k ShinyGemsBro  3 months ago


Since I'm not really in the mood and lacking solid motivation to release the next episodes of the Siren War, I felt like sharing pieces of lore from my five long years of playing SP and being in the community, since I got a surge of nostalgia from browsing my ridiculously long list of saved builds.

One of those pieces of lore is that from the mid 2020s to late 2022s, SP Multiplayer was VERY active thanks to the pandemic. And because of it, there was no shortage of dinguses that needed a crippling dose of high explosive retribution right down their throats in the server.

Fortunately for them, I was the very eager type when egged to fight. And I never fought fair.

On that note, I looked high and low for the perfect jet to use in MP that had extreme performance. And I did eventually find the said perfect jet.

So I took it to the designer, and decided to infuse it with 700 gallons of raw, unadulterated demonic energy, with a sprinkle of justice.

Meet the F-22 Judgement.

(The first iteration)

In it's first form, it merely had superpowered engines, a severely extremified Gatling gun, rapid fire missiles, and two Sidewinders with high powered warheads and 360 degree lock.. in case whoever was in front of me, ended up going behind. Was a decent start, but I knew I had to learn more to be able to fight and become an actual counter-threat to said dinguses in the server.

(Judgement: Yumiya Hachiman)

The precursor to the standard Judgement iteration that would become infamous in MP everytime I spawned in it for a fight. The Y.H. had more powerful engines, a balanced out gun (Even though it was useless in MP), and much better missiles with a higher warhead yield + enough speed and guidance strength to catch even idiots flying at Mach Fuck 80,000 feet in the air.

(Judgement: Kokuja/Black Snake)

The current and most used iteration which earned the highest amount of kill stripes during the active years. Alot of reliable missiles, really high speed, good stability even at extreme altitudes, and it carried a nuke rocket as a last resort weapon (Which I added much later on. The nuke didn't exist until late 2021 I think). Not to mention that the range of it's weapons was ridiculously long. Regardless of how far the target was, every missile can lock it. And they will reach it in under 3 seconds provided they didn't miss because of their own overpowered stats.

(Judgement: Kokuja - The Maiden of Chernobyl)

A ridiculously irradiated version of the Kokuja/Black Snake. An arsenal of light and heavy nuclear missiles, slightly faster speed, and in the off chance they aren't enough, it has a mini rocket-propelled Tsar Bomba underneath it's fuselage in case it needs to make a point.

Saw far less action compared to the standard Kokuja, but I have nonetheless used it in MP two years ago. And it has it's fair share of ashes. Speaking of ashes...

(Judgement: Kokuja - Ashen Rover)

The last, fully armed iteration of the Judgement, which I made far too late to give it it's Battle Stripes. The level of firepower this version lugs around far exceeds the limits of both the regular Kokuja and the Maiden of Chernobyl's arsenal combined. If anything, this Judgement packs enough heat to alter reality for a few seconds, assuming the target's PC can withstand it - cause mine sure as hell can't.

The Experimental Clones

(Judgement: Candlelight)

An excessively copper plated Judgement with an excessive amount of machine guns. Makes a superb pattern of tracers everytime it fires a burst, and carries a pair of oversized cannons, one inside each intake.

...Yes, in the intakes. Only now I wholeheartedly accept it was stupid, but with logic and reasoning out of the way, why the hell not, right?

Never saw combat since guns are useless in MP. So are cannons.

(Judgement: Kokuja - Sinner's Testament)

An experimental version of the Kokuja that carried a single anti-matter missile. It worked brilliantly and caused only total disassembly of all active entities in a world without even a hint of lag, making it a clean killer, plus the added lightshow of it's detonation with a possibility of changing the weather.

Never saw continued use after I deemed this one "too gentle".

(Judgement: Trenchmaker)

Pretty obvious from it's name alone, this Judgement iteration was ground attack-oriented. It carried more than 40 microbombs with VERY high yield, and I planned to use it on carpet bombing runways and roads for fun.

Was never used in MP, favored the Kokuja alot more.

(The Tribunal)

A version of the Maiden of Chernobyl done by my cousin when he played the game while I was away for college. Highly unstable at max speed, and he claims to have shot down alot using this one.

And last, but not the least...

(The Replica)

Essentially GuyFolk's F-22A put into the Kokuja's armaments and paint scheme, with far better visuals owed to the quality of the build itself. I published this for my Platinum Milestone special.

And let's be real, why in the world would I post the sharpest tool I have in the shed for open display?

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    50.1k ShinyGemsBro

    (Was planning to tag more people who have seen me use the Judgement during those times but I have either no idea what their usernames are or if they're still even active in the first place. Or both.)

    Pinned 3 months ago
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    3 months ago
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    12.5k RyooSensei

    I remembered you posted a Dark F-22. What the hell happened?

    3 months ago
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    50.1k ShinyGemsBro


    3 months ago