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7,824 ScrewedAccount  4 months ago

Tbh I know mods haven't been on android much if at all for a long long time but the fact. All these years later nothins changes truly mobile players gettin left behind for PC players like honestly. I used too really praise Andrew an jundroo for this game now it's just useless on mobile entirely really alot of the mods. I used for quality of life improvement an really enjoyed for 1.8. I can't anymore like it's sad an now we're stuck with the stock borin SP map that has barely anything in it like literally come on give us a break.

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    4,788 Hannyboy

    @FlirBlitz 😂

    4 months ago
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    18.0k FlirBlitz

    as someone who used to play on mobile with absolutely 0 mods except the ones you got by default: cope lmao

    4 months ago
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    3,542 Pnut

    You just need extra effort to find them, like real hard cus some people just going to ignore when you ask them mods for android

    4 months ago
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    3,542 Pnut

    There is still some mods that can work like kakhitochauri mods, some of the GIS Mods, and other maps, have been playing them but then I deleted and reinstalled sp so I lost them

    4 months ago
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    How hard is it to find out why mobile doesn’t have mods, the amount of times I’ve seen people like you complaining about mods for mobile, when it was something that happened 4. Years. Ago. you look really stupid complaining about this, and you can’t even spell right much less do basic research

    4 months ago
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    You do realize that simpleplanes won't be getting any major updates, because the devs are working on SP2 right?. Plus, mod support being removed is not anyone's fault. Read this.
    Also, I read somewhere that mobile version is better optimized compared to pc version after 1.9 update. The same update where mod support was removed.

    +7 4 months ago