@Mosquitowithagun Wait what!?
Blast this lack of booster seat!
Maybe if I rock I can change the plane's heading!?
... I thought we were over the pacific?
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 Graingy operated out of Canada for around 90 years as its northern regions were sufficiently far from prying eyes.
I, Grain (name unrelated), am Martian. For business reasons I use a British Columbia time zone and calendar. It's a matter of convenience.
@Mosquitowithagun oh no
@ComradeSandman idk.
@Mosquitowithagun Your navigation is terrible, we're over Indonesia.
... Do they have an air force?
@ComradeSandman ok. Sorry. I diverted us to Georgia. We should be landing in 15 hours..
@Mosquitowithagun No! No! No break! Break bad!
@ComradeSandman I found a hammer.. what was the pilot doing? Anyways, I'm using it to bust you out.
@ComradeSandman that was 10 hours ago.
@Mosquitowithagun Wait what!?
Blast this lack of booster seat!
Maybe if I rock I can change the plane's heading!?
... I thought we were over the pacific?
Fun fact: I actually live in Flordia..
Yea were cooked 💀
@Mosquitowithagun aw hell nah not Florida
you are doomed
@Boeing727200F I'm in the jet with him.
We are heading to I4.. in Flordia
@Mosquitowithagun ?
@Boeing727200F @ComradeSandman I can, we are going to.. uh..
You may not like it..
@Graingy fair enough
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 Simply not true. Are you American, or the nationality of whatever country your ancestors came from?
@Graingy Canadian-Martian.
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 No. I do not have Canadian citizenship.
@Graingy Canadian-Martian.
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 Nope. Martian.
Unless you count ancestry, but I'd consider that largely irrelevant to this subject matter.
@Graingy you
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 You're saying what is? Graingy or me?
@Graingy Canadian-Martian
The previous account manager, however, was Canadian.
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 Graingy operated out of Canada for around 90 years as its northern regions were sufficiently far from prying eyes.
I, Grain (name unrelated), am Martian. For business reasons I use a British Columbia time zone and calendar. It's a matter of convenience.
@Graingy is graingy not based on Canada