yes only one picture
some notes:
-So, it seems that my phone cannot run SP at background, resulting in it being killed miliseconds i exited the game just to upload a picture. (i know i shouldnt picked budget phone; silly me)
That means its almost near impossible for me to build replica without a blueprint.
As for that, i have resorted to remake builds that were unfinished or a bit outdated.
As for here, this build isnt mine, fully goes to the original owner, LieutenantSOT.
I'm unsure when will i get to finish and post this, but for sure i will finish this.
mark my words
so, anyway
@LieutenantSOT alright!
you know i should finish it, its been left on WIP for 2 months lol
I look forward to it! I intend to completely redo and build one when SP2 comes out later this year. My biggest issue with my build was my part inefficiency, the wing build style I used was blocky and not curvy which I didn't like, and I lost my excitement over building the interior
I will love to see it when finished. T
T :3
@Christiant2 alright
@cyon Tag meh
@overlord5453 i might get it fixed, when i have free time
maybe christmas will do it
@cyon you should get it fixed. Especially when it's way better than what you are currently using.
@overlord5453 honestly i got another phone with me, its million times better than my current "new" phone
the problem is?
its battery is busted, it just some sort of bootloops everytime i charge it, couldnt do anything except visit the technician to help fix it, which is another problem to me, since i dont get free time to go outside and get it fixed
Overall, I am not satisfied with it because of the extreme lag. But, for something old and cheap, it held up really well and served me as best as it could without ever needing a visit to the technician. That too without any protection like screen guard or cover. The same can't be said about most new phones. For that, I respect it.
And by the way, it's works just fine for my day to day uses (most of the time).
@cyon ohh. I took a quick trip through them and didn't find anything useful (for now).
And my phone has fell multiple times 3~4 feet falls and only took damage two times. It survived a screen first fall on to rocks, at speed unscathed. Didn't have screen guard or cover. All it took was minor, barely noticeable scratches from that fall and i was pleasantly surprised.
The damages it has now is noticeable, but at bottom left corner only. A almost 2.5cm long crack covering the corner and two black spots (don't know where they came from, only noticed them recently) within the space between the crack and the corner. Currently pushing 5 years and soon to be replaced (hopefully) with something much better.
im surprised it didnt even scratched
my phone survives 2 feet fall to concrete without phone casing like multiple times now
@overlord5453 well it enables usb debugging, which i rarely use because of the risk of my phone bricking, and its also because of my phone just freaking randomly kills app without me knowing
@cyon really? I didn't find much use for it.
@Rjenteissussy mine too. Dev options are not on but it's surprisingly durable and have small crack on the screen and some tiny black spots caused by falling screen first. Haven't came into contact with water that much. And of course, the lag.
@Rjenteissussy dev option on is a must lol
@overlord5453 so bad, with good durability, laggy, dev options on, survives full throw force, full force 3 hammer smashes, fully submerged on water (plenty screen damaged)
@Rjenteissussy 🤯
How is it holding up?
@overlord5453 holy shots we have the same phone 🤯
Teee as well
@overlord5453 yeah, i suppose
@cyon but the phone itself is getting old.
@overlord5453 2ghz isnt that bad though
@cyon redmi 6a
2gb ram 32gb rom
2ghz processor