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Criteria to become a moderator

31.0k 32  3 months ago

Hello developers, users, and people in general,

Today I would like to pose a question. What makes a player eligible to become a moderator? Is it activity? Personality? Social Skills? with these things in mind considering that the developers (and most moderators) almost never engage with the community, how are these aspects of someone's eligibility to become a moderator determined? No hate towards crazyplanes, I think they are a fine choice, but there are loads of active members who have been around and active for longer. It probably comes across as me being salty that I didn't get chosen, but honestly I just find it odd that they would pick a user that isn't super well-known and is not historically very active on the site. They have 15 (iirc) pages of comments, which is almost nothing compared to some people. Again, I am not trying to claim they are a bad choice, just an unusal one.

Also there were no applications this time around, maybe it's because the developers didn't want to be inundated with a few thousand of em but that's a sign that they don't care that much about player input these days.

maybe SP is dead in their eyes

i will send this to the home of anyone who disagrees with me >:)

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    27.5k ToeTips

    Probably cause he was a curator so they decided to promote the guy. Won't be surprised if he later becomes a dev lol.

    3 months ago
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    29.8k YarisSedan

    @SILVERPANZER thank you for answering so quickly :D

    3 months ago
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    @YarisSedan Picsart

    3 months ago
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    29.8k YarisSedan

    @SILVERPANZER no, i mean, what software did you use to make your current pfp? whatever it was seemed complex, then again i could be wrong so... feel free to correct me on that.

    3 months ago
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    @YarisSedan The tanks told me to do it.

    3 months ago
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    Just checked, I have over 500 pages of comments on my main.
    Where are my smiting powers, Andrew?

    +1 3 months ago
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    29.8k YarisSedan

    @SILVERPANZER unrelated but, how did you design your current pfp?

    3 months ago
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    SP is really dying.

    3 months ago
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    I think crazyplanes got it because the developers trusted him because he was a good curator for VR.

    3 months ago
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    As far as I remember from the comments and messages (both on this site and on discord servers) of the site moderators, the criteria are: the player’s age (it seems like he should be 18 years old or older), reputation (green zone, was not banned and did not receive a strike), knowledge of the community and what opinion and feedback they will leave about you other moderators and developers, but these are very old criteria, i.e. outdated information, and not necessarily reliable.

    3 months ago
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    I'm like 99% sure that the criteria is just "get picked by the devs because they think you'll be a good fit" rather than any hard yes/no conditions based on activity, time on the site, whatever.

    +2 3 months ago
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    29.8k YarisSedan

    either that or they're just busy working on sp2.

    +1 3 months ago