The camera is stuck below the gear, but I want it somewhere more reasonable and less weird.
Current placement of the orbit view
Placement I want for the orbit view (I used a separate camera)
How do I make it the natural orbit camera placement?
What I usually do is place the main cockpit on a hinge part or even a detacher
When you do this, the camera automatically centers where the main cockpit is
After that, I just move the cockpit around till I get a camera position that I like
The camera will be at the center of the aircraft. But you can always add an orbit camera.
@crazyplaness @YarisSedan oh ok, thanks!
@crazyplaness i was about to say that, but thankfully you did, also @Mosquitowithagun, if you don't get what he's referring to, he's referring to the center of mass, or the position of the cockpit part can also affect camera position i believe
I think the camera is where the center of the plane is.
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