Haven't gotten anything for a fix. In case someone with this knowledge just happens to float by, I ask again.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
I ask yet again for assistance.
36.9k Graingy
one month ago
Haven't gotten anything for a fix. In case someone with this knowledge just happens to float by, I ask again.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
@crazyplaness ... Yes that's what I meant to say.
I feel dumb too now!
@Graingy filter. I misspelled
@overlord5453 Hm, fair enough.
@Graingy it's also something with the camera. Thought I would bring it up.
@overlord5453 Interesting, but I don't see the connection to this?
@crazyplaness Folter or folder?
I cannot remember. It's been a while since I tried anything. No point bothering if I have no fixes to try.
Is that a shader or a setting?
Still no answer from banania...
@Graingy it basically allows you to change the FOV while playing. I copied that code from somewhere in the forums.
Do you have the MXAO folter enabled for reshade? It did the same thing to me when I had it enabled
@overlord5453 I like your funny words magic man (I don't know what any of that means)
I don't know how to fix it, but when using
//MainCamera>Camera.set_fieldOfView 15
in the dev console, the fov reset back to 60 when crossing 4k meters altitude. And returns to 15 when you go below that.@Graingy oh
still I got no clue
@Boeing727200F No, this is an old picture. Nothing has changed.
I don't know, but from what it seems it is getting worse