For the leaders of SnowStone, We have a file about a slammed CT-47 That crashed during a blizzard in 1958.
It lost connection to our forces and slammed into the ground. The plane seems in good condition.
-4 wounded
-2 Killed
-12 Survivers
We would like to ask for the aircraft back, we wanna restore it and modernize it!
We ask if we have to pay, or if you will just ferry it for free.
If so we will guve you 4 Tons of steel. (We have a lot)
@SamuelJamesCastor @LunarEclipseSP
Is the Plane Still at its yeager stopover?
@SamuelJamesCastor @LunarEclipseSP
Well, tequila or whiskey?
@SamuelJamesCastor @Christiant2
Granted, air transport is a better option
@LunarEclipseSP "Hopefully by air, Snowstone is trying to boost its shipping industry, since all our stuff are either cars or planes.
Will be accepting payments in Snotones, alcohol, potatoes, pancakes..."
@SamuelJamesCastor @LunarEclipseSP just to give you guys a heads up, despite the fact that he technically left the MDA I would say most of us still consider him a member (at least I do)
@Christiant2 Maybe the sea transport. Do you had an option @SamelJamesCastor?
@SamuelJamesCastor @LunarEclipseSP
How will the transport be? Air or sea?
@LunarEclipseSP Yes.
Could i send the steel by plane?
@Christiant2 Sounds like a good deal. How is it sounds, @SamuelJamesCastor?
Can you ally with Me (North Wright Isles)
After this?