My boyfriend just yesterday on November 20, you may not believe me but he had got in a very bad accident and has a broken arm. Now even if you dont believe me, just know that his account will possibly be inactive. I hope he will be okay and will get well. Everyone, don't be stupid and look at your phone while driving and pay attention to traffic. Stay safe please.
Yikes, sorry to hear.
@USAMustang Damn, sorry about that, he’s in my prayers
@F16xl he was trying to drive, and a another car tailgated him and made him drive into a road barrier.
May I ask if he was hit or did he hit someone
Sorry for your BF man, people really need to be driving, not dialing
@Graingy sadly yes. He has a bad head injury and doesn't really remember anything.
But will he.
Is there any permanent damage?
@Graingy he has not made any progress on his recovery.
Will he recover fully?
How unfortunate, I hope you recover soon!
I'm sorry to hear that all. We'll see you on the flip side! <3
ah, hope you recover fast my friend
and it's been a good journey!
Farewell, goodbye possibly forever
I get this odd feeling when reading your posts.
Or maybe I am over thinking this.