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Help to create RPM regulator on Helicopter rotor

100 bryamteuton03  one month ago

Hello friends, I need some suggestion on how to create with FT an RPM Regulator for the central rotor of a helicopter, since when I carried out the starting process after turning on the two engines, at first the RPM skyrocketed to the point that it collapsed without performing the takeoff.

So the other problem is that if I regulate the data so that when the Throttle is between 75 to 100 percent the RPM values ??are the nominal ones, when giving VTOL the RPM drops too much by like 40 percent causing the helicopter to collapse. two or three seconds after taking off.
Please, I don't know which FT, I think the solution is between:

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    @Grimi I mentioned you in a comment and I left it pinned because I don't know how to tag you in the post, I put @Grimi and it doesn't appear in blue

    +1 11 days ago
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    1,052 Grimi

    @bryamteuton03 a simple tag "@Grimi" is enough for me

    +1 11 days ago
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    @Grimi Could you tell me how I can mention you, it is my first publication and I don't know

    13 days ago
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    1,052 Grimi

    @bryamteuton03 You can contact me, I will be happy to help :)

    one month ago
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    @Grimi Friend, thank you very much, problem solved, the delay was to adapt it to the system of my helicopter and it turned out great, when I publish it I will mention you in gratitude for that Regulator

    +1 one month ago
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    @Grimi Thank you very much friend for the help, I will experiment with what you tell me and I hope to have satisfactory results, thank you very much and well there are two of us with the English problem

    one month ago
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    1,052 Grimi

    You can also use my helicopters to explore Automatic RPM Control such as SVR beta, GR-440 and FAD helicopter. Perhaps this will tell you more than my instructions

    +1 one month ago
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    1,052 Grimi

    Hi, sorry for the too brief instructions, I don't have much time. The helicopter rotor already has an output variable, all you need is: "Your input value" - RotorRPM (Originally the name of the output variable of the propeller)/"Target number of revolutions per minute". Sometimes in such cases, a rotor overspeed may occur, you can change the value to -1 in the section InputController of the Rotor -> min. If the RPM drops too much, you can add a multiplier to the expression, this reduces stability but increases the power of the rotor. I hope that the instructions are clear, as I am experiencing some difficulties with English

    +1 one month ago