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How to make start up sequence in your aircraft

162 RGaming00  3 months ago

Simple planes is a flight sim and engineering game but there is one problem... no start up sequence . You as a pilot want it to be realistic and if you are a builder then you need to know how to make it and get more downloads and upvotes. I am currently working on my own project my second model of my custom commercial airliner RGA121.Here is the instruction to make it:
1. Activate overload mod
2. From the bottom right, click on the last third button with a box and a "x" in it. this is the variable setter.
add some switches and buttons and open the overload mod after hovering on them , go to input controller and change the input to anything you like. say "bat1" save the settings the variable setters and make a variable named Bat.1(say) and in the expression put "bat1".
4. if you want to this to an engine do the same but with this: variable name"Eng1" expression:"clamp01(eng1*Bat.1)" MAKE SURE TO MAKE THE VARIABLE NAME FOR THE ENGINE

explanation: You make a input named bat1 which activates when you click the switch
you make a variable which turns true if your expression (input) is true
if you anything about coding, you many use && which is wrong for simple planes XML file. the AND expression is represented by *.
In the expression for the engine, you want both the Bat.1 and eng1 switch to be true so you use * as a AND equation.

I am taking leave on this post because my fingers are tired. Watch this video to know more if you didn't understood my explanation OR wait till i upload the RGA121.
watch all the three parts of this guy to know more

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    50.5k PlaneFlightX

    I have one important recommendation for variables, which is to have the variable of the switch and the variable it controls be separate. What I mean by this, for example, is to call a switch Eng1Input, and then for the Eng1 variable, write Bat1 * Eng1Input. This makes it so any switch can always be clicked, which is how it is irl.

    Pinned 2 months ago
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    50.5k PlaneFlightX

    @RGaming00 I'll take a look when I get a chance.

    2 months ago
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    162 RGaming00

    @PlaneFlightX thank you for the recommendation! and i really never expected you to reply on my post... my latest plane was made possible because of you only!! can you review my latest build RGA 121 and tell how it is? (i am bad at coding because i know only java)

    +1 2 months ago
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    162 RGaming00

    @BaconEggs ik😁 so i uploaded the plane and I will make a vid on yt soon

    2 months ago
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    139k BaconEggs

    too complicated to explain in one forum

    3 months ago