Due to the crazy amount of super-cool and detailed lore that people are making in response to my Modern Fighter Challenge, a question came up. If I were to tweak the lore in such a way that would allow for a clean slate, would yall be interested in participating in it? It wouldn’t be something that you would have to be on top of 24/7, but just a little fun gimmick to spice up your gameplay. 100+ countries is too much for me and my friend, EmpressAndressia, to work with and many of our countries really just go to waste. Here’s what I essentially have planned:
You pick a nation to represent, either as a leader, a company within that country, whatever you want. Then you can build lore for your chosen country. With enough collaboration, you could go to war with others and their countries, create alliances, make stories and lore with that country, whatever you want, really. Let me know your thoughts. If yall are down, I’m willing to do something to let others join in on the fictional world of Novara regardless of a challenge.
@DrakonDynamics oh and bio its RP session. That's the title of the name because I didn't. You can name it because I'm not good with names
@DrakonDynamics both
@Nionwolf You wanna join the challenge or the RP…? I’m a bit confused
I'm in. Can you please come get the plane? I don't know how to send it here. It's RP session
@DrakonDynamics Count me in :)
@DrakonDynamics push the server out asap, focus on the technical side such as chats and bot optimisation, you can leave the lore aspect for the players to update or uptake along in phases,
@Panzerwaifu69 Gotcha. I’ll shoot you an invite once it’s good to go.
Discord server? Count me in
@Rb2h Sure go ahead. All I have for Koltobania is that its capital is called Anthem.
@DrakonDynamics What do you have on Koltobanian air force bases
The community hasn't made any yet as I've seen
Maybe I could create one? Idk
@DrakonDynamics bet.
@Mosquitowithagun I’ll slide you an invite if you want one
@DrakonDynamics A discord server? Yehaw!
anything in between 2013 Novara time and 2015 Novara time is Ruskov-Shinsei war
@Tian22 it’s coming
make a Discord server pls
Anybody wanna support Ruskovia?, or is Ruskovia on their own with their weapons
Ruskovia can't supprot Ruskovia btw
@PigeeGuy time to start exporting my MF-478 “HELLBRINGER”
@Mynameisntjeff Tarania supports Shinsei!
@PigeeGuy Tarania also supports Shinsei
Ruskovia fights Shinsei, Lynkania supports Shinsei
@DrakonDynamics @TheUltimatePlaneLover since you too decided to keep them separated, I’ll just do both, maybe if some of the other MDA members join too then we can establish it in this world too
Dibs on Shinsei and their weaponry, I will also organise a UN coalition of allied nation, while not as extensive as the real world, air will be more formidable as every allied nation in the UN will contribute a fraction of their military for combined peacekeeping Missions
Still gonna be avalonia if ever
Still gonna be avalonia if ever