This warrants further study…
@ComradeSandman by the bis-choo-p
@Monarchii by the pope?
@ComradeSandman bless choo
@Monarchii wha
@ComradeSandman kangachoo?
@Monarchii more like a backpack animal
@ComradeSandman achoo?
@Monarchii I couldn't bear it.
@ComradeSandman does it correlate with Kazoo tho?
@Monarchii I was wondering if it was that. Bird.
@ComradeSandman how do you feel after learning it's pronounced "WA-so"?
@Monarchii aw
@ComradeSandman I subject you to Oiseaux.
@Monarchii No wait not the French-
@ComradeSandman good call, onion soup!
@Monarchii We should give Mr. Insidious the job of giving other people jobs.
@ComradeSandman come, anarchist friend. it is not time yet for us to fight, we still need to topple capitalist pig kingdom! after that then things get hard.
@Monarchii ... Well ya ain't done nothin' if ya ain't been called a Red...
@ComradeSandman aaah..
@Monarchii We? There is no we!
@Monarchii Nuh uh, YOU died! Quit projecting!
@Monarchii Try rolling?
@ComradeSandman could be dark souls 1 tho, but Minecraft works.
@ComradeSandman by the bis-choo-p
@Monarchii by the pope?
@ComradeSandman bless choo
@Monarchii wha
@ComradeSandman kangachoo?
@Monarchii more like a backpack animal
@ComradeSandman achoo?
@Monarchii I couldn't bear it.
@ComradeSandman does it correlate with Kazoo tho?
@Monarchii I was wondering if it was that. Bird.
@ComradeSandman how do you feel after learning it's pronounced "WA-so"?
@Monarchii aw
@ComradeSandman I subject you to Oiseaux.
@Monarchii No wait not the French-
@ComradeSandman good call, onion soup!
@Monarchii We should give Mr. Insidious the job of giving other people jobs.
@ComradeSandman come, anarchist friend. it is not time yet for us to fight, we still need to topple capitalist pig kingdom! after that then things get hard.
@Monarchii ... Well ya ain't done nothin' if ya ain't been called a Red...
@ComradeSandman aaah..
@Monarchii We? There is no we!
@Monarchii Nuh uh, YOU died!
Quit projecting!
@Monarchii Try rolling?
@ComradeSandman could be dark souls 1 tho, but Minecraft works.