Wanted to see where on the list of users, I’m on the 19th page currently!
Just wanna say, my goal is to get to platinum. Why? Well I like this place, idk I want to spotlight more people, and plus-bragging rights. I think it’s wild. 4.8 years, almost 5 years no? 5 years of enjoying this game.
Y’all…I’ve got a story.
When I was younger, and dumber, and greedy, my mom promised that she would buy SP if I could get my grades up. But I was greedy. 2019. I went to my grandma’s house. I don’t know how I did it, but I kinda straight up just bought it. My parents must’ve been pissed. Not pissed enough for a refund, though.
I would never do that again.
That’s the story of how I got this game. Guilty of it.
Anyways :(
Yeah that’s how I got here.
Roughly 15K
@YarisSedan god yeah, i think i saw Jelly of all people playing it and ended up getting it even then years after he played it
@YarisSedan from a good schoolfriend of mine while back, lost contact though; it was also on the era where mods were still supported on mobile lmfao, I rember roughly that he was showing off a 3D thrust engine mod, launching from USS Beast and all, quite.. long back that one hah.
@TTL story shortened, I like ships, I make shit ships, I learn make better ships, then shit planes, then to airships, occasionally get back to ships, learned to make better planes, make target ships and airships, learn to do the cockpit shittilillie, lazy burnout, back lazy, small hiatus, then weekly-ish kinda detailed planes with interior, then erased my account out of burnout-hate-depressedwhatamidoingwithmyworldsruff, and now, here we are i guess.
Webarchive if you're interested
@Rb2h 💀
My mom bought it for me
(Without the credit card stealing)
long story short, the answer to your question is about 500,000 users
over a week, based on the highest amount of upvotes rn, there has to be over 60 active-ish users, also id imagine a bunch of them dont really upvote stuff so its probably about 150 or so accounts regularly
@Monarchii same! i also got sp when it was on discount too! also, how did you learn about sp's existence? i learned about sp when a bunch of my favorite youtubers played sp showing what's possible, i of course begged my parents until they reluctantly bought it for me lmao
@Monarchii navalblaze? Enlighten me old and still not gold
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 anyway, potato
@Monarchii ye lol
of course, being the broke supportive whims I am, I grabbed the discount SP immediately at all cost lmao, morally right too since I am previously not signed on SP.com, then started the history of NavalBlaze.. oh my old ass name lmfao, and the history of that.
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 oh, don't we all? pirating is like, kinda a rite of online maturity in a way, regardless of age. and with how the world is, and especially the current gaming scene(though I am specifically speaking for mobile as I have not much experience on PC or Console), pirating is basically the only option, I honestly side with "pirate it anyway, but support us if you like", kinda like jundroo who did that, cause like, how else would you get free advertisement and loyal customer base if not pirating? y'arr!
@Monarchii I've pirated so much stuff it's not even funny
@Monarchii I got it for 3.25 dollars, although my parents paid for it
@TTL am the biggest dum, whimsy like a wind fleeting aboot
I got SP like, on an extreme discount, got it for like 18.000 rupiah which is like.. 1 dollar and a little bit more?
@Eagleman101SP fair, same lmao
@Monarchii dum dum
@Monarchii hopefully I'll pay for SP2
@TTL brain empty, lazy calculatii
@Eagleman101SP hey, we're all guilty of pirating something :3 though if I recall correctly, Andrew is chill bout it, just support him if you got the wad and you love the game, toot 🎺
@Monarchii maybe you should
didn't someone calculated how much users there are