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More upvotes than downloads?

3,612 Sockdragger  2 months ago

I uploaded this post yesterday and now 24 hours later I already got 8 upvotes but only 5 downloads. So at least 3 people must have up oted my build without even trying it out, just by reading the description and looking at the pictures.

It may be because the build is a collection of figures to put in an airplane, not an actual airplane so you don't have anything to fly or drive around with. May be if I had posted an actual aircraft things would be the other way round.

Still I wonder...

Has this ever happened to you? Is it just a fluke or did I just enter some weird stage in the game where I get more votes from people that follow -or like- me than I get for actually building something?

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    It's more common than you think. Most people who upvote are not actively playing the game but they are active here on the website. And atleast a good chunk of people who download stuff don't have an account hence can't upvote. They officially don't exist if you know what I mean.
    And it's easier to go through the description than download a build and test it. That's why good descriptions are important.

    +1 2 months ago