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How do i do this?

774 PigeeGuy  yesterday

So you know those Emblems Made With Text?
I wanna do that
But how do i do that?

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    7,973 overlord5453

    If you left everything at default value, it should work. You might have to make the label even bigger.

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    7,973 overlord5453

    @PigeeGuy tinker with the other settings. It should work.

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    774 PigeeGuy

    @overlord5453 No its still 8

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    7,973 overlord5453

    @PigeeGuy increase the number of bits per color. it's 8 by default and that's the maximum. Did you reduce it?

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    774 PigeeGuy

    @overlord5453 I got it to display, but compared to what i put in, it looked NOTHING like it at all, green diamond, pink cross, yellow circle, and i got, i can't even describe it.

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    7,973 overlord5453

    @PigeeGuy okay. Be sure to follow the instructions on the page.

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    7,973 overlord5453

    @PigeeGuy until the image shows. I am not talking about part scale but the width and height of label. Use overload menu to make them bigger than their default limit.

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    7,973 overlord5453

    @PigeeGuy scale the text label bigger.

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    774 PigeeGuy

    @overlord5453 But why is my emblem not showing?, its invisible!, i pressed Select All and copy pasted into simpleplanes, and it was invisible.

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    774 PigeeGuy

    @overlord5453 Thanks!

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    7,973 overlord5453