We do not want to be in war, Even if our allies are attacked. We will not fight until we are attacked.
We are currently Neutral and do not want to be related in any way, Shape or form in any war until we formerly Declare our participation.
Leader Of The North Wright Isle.
The function of the Alliance is exactly that, to defend the ally against a foreign attack, but oh well.
@overlord5453 Aite then you're up
@SPsidearm alright, I will let you know when we are moving in.
@TheUltimatePlaneLover we were born ready
You have the green light.
@TheUltimatePlaneLover If these fools drop even ONE BOMB, on our island. They will find out about my Electric Void Bombs.
We use what we have. We have no uranium.
(Trust me)
@SPsidearm @overlord5453
The SimpleVerse is an open collab, he's in... if he's ready.
@SPsidearm ohh
You'll have to enter the universe first.
Should we let him in?
@SPsidearm you don't have an army?
want to build one?
What are you gonna do with that B-27?
@SPsidearm And that's where those strange guys came from.
@SPsidearm Nice.
I'll look at it.
...you also have a crash landed bomber.
I may be, but i brought a shitty laptop to control the RLA.
Also, all F-14s were destroyed, and we're fighting the CIM.
You don't have planes or a military💀
Your Exiled
Expect 200 F-14s in your porch.
@TheUltimatePlaneLover EHHHHH
No prob mate
Also I used shadow magic so I summoned people without a comment lol
Tag all the war people.