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cheefed, annoyed even, questioning perhaps.

71.4k Monarchii  4 hours ago

for some odd reason, the middle center of this much questionable phone suddenly doesn't work, I didn't even bang(or wet, or anything really, I used it like a normal person) on it or anything this morning, it just quit responding to touch for some odd reason, tbf though, it is a damaged lcd(a while back, my brother thought it would be funny to drop it as a joke and it landed face-first and the corner of the lcd cracked) so yeah, weird.

SP still works, but now I can only work like... how do I explain it... hold your phone on landscape mode(like how you would SP), the designer crosshair is now limited to only the right part of the screen, and it can't go left because the middle part of the screen stop responding to touch, man, now I gotta adapt... eugh

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    2,949 Pnut

    Also you might could save a few bucks if you repair it by yourself, if you know what you're doing

    1 hours ago
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    2,949 Pnut

    That's a bad joke, what's the name of your phone?

    1 hours ago
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    44.4k ShinyGemsBro

    Let me just kidnap one of my collegemates who owns a phone repair shop and force airdrop him to where you are 101st Airborne style

    2 hours ago
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    7,973 overlord5453

    That sounds painful to deal with.

    2 hours ago
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    71.4k Monarchii

    @Boeing727200F honestly, idk where and I'm lazy and it's safe enough because it's in a dry and cold place, when I get the time for it, maybe idk, would be funny if I grenade it though

    3 hours ago
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    made an edit to my comment below

    3 hours ago
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    @Monarchii welp, time to replace the phone ASAP
    edit: realized i was talking about the wrong phone
    ummm mind if you could take that to a place that could deal with that (your other phone?)

    3 hours ago
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    71.4k Monarchii

    @Boeing727200F huh, aite, I do have an experience with bulging phones though, I have one in my safety-davety-definitely-okayi tin can and it has yet to explode, and it's not your normal bulging, no, it's rear cover cracked open and the screen is slightly cracked open too, I fear nothing for I am poor- :3

    3 hours ago
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    your battery could be expanding
    id recommend getting rid of that if you notice bulging on your phone
    edit: if the swelling (or expanding) gets bad enough the phone could commit Chernobyl and catch fire and/or explode if your luck is bad enough.

    +3 4 hours ago