I've been thinking about making a video on how to make tanks for Simpleplanes. Especially for new players who wanted to build or improve tank building skills
• How to make good tank tracks without mods
• How to make your tank's armor stronger
• How Funky Trees work for Tanks
• How to make replica builds on real tanks
And more..
@WritersCrusadersAirCo2 if u got time can u pls make this?
@WritersCrusadersAirCo2 also if u can can u make a turm 3? With it's 3 plane stabilizer pls
@WritersCrusadersAirCo2 bruhhh pls tag me when u post
@Hyperr oh dang.. I've completely forgotten all about this post... :(
@WritersCrusadersAirCo2 when will you do this?
@WritersCrusadersAirCo2 :)
The more guides the better
Yes please
Yes. (My previous tanks have been... Not so good.)
Pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaase make it, I need way too much help.
This would definitely be very useful for beginners like me
Yep I want
I think you should add how to use funky tree stuff like auto aiming, stabilizer, camera aim, or other stuff that may be hard
@YarisSedan if users are breaking rules, report them and move on. don’t try instigating fights with these passive aggressive comments. Especially on posts that don’t even have any rule violations on them. this is not the first time I have said this, both to you and countless others, and I am about to stop giving warnings over it and move to strikes.
(why i borrow parts and not make planes is i make weapons, not planes entirely.)
@YarisSedan. Look at the edit.
am i one? (i mod aircraft, and use borrowed parts. I actually credit.)
No reason not to, go ahead.
@Guh I sometimes learn in life that you have to make sacrifices along the way. Bud, time for me to cut your wires. It's nothing personal
@Guh you know what, nevermind
the hell?