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[PLZ HELP] Bomb sight calculation.

8,738 WizNick  14 days ago

this is what I've been trying to achieve with my bomb sight, but isn't really doing what it's supposed to. Can anyone help?

My variable expression so far :

g = 9.81
h = AltitudeAgl
v = TAS
t = sqrt( 2 * h / g)
phi = atan( h / (v * t))
input = phi/90
HingeRotator range is 90°

After modifications (still not functioning correctly.)

g = 9.81
h = AltitudeAgl
drag = 0.05
v = TAS
t_approx = sqrt( 2 * h / g)
t_impact = t_approx + (1 / drag) * (1 - exp(-drag * t_approx))
y = h - (g * t_impact) + (g / pow(drag, 2)) * (1 - exp(-drag * t_impact))
x = (v / drag) * (1 - exp(-drag * t_impact))
R = atan(y / x) /90
Input = R
HingeRotator range is 90° Detacthers are set to 0%


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    40.1k KPLBall

    Sorry I tried with a different plane but it no work

    13 days ago
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    8,738 WizNick

    @MizeaO yea the second set of expressions do. Acceleration being the gravitational acceleration. Since the Detacthers are set to 0%

    14 days ago
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    9,892 MizeaO

    @WizNick you mean whenits dropped

    Its calculate by 3 variable?

    acceleration velocity and drag?


    14 days ago
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    8,738 WizNick

    @WNP78 Plz help identify what's wrong and why does not work.

    14 days ago
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    8,738 WizNick

    @MizeaO found this statement on the comments section of an old mod: "bombs (after they have been dropped) have a different type of drag to SP's normal drag for some reason, instead of being SP's custom directional drag system they just have standard unity fixed drag (with a value of, if I remember correctly, 0.05). The way PhysX applies this drag is according to the internet via the per-frame formula velocity = velocity * ( 1 - deltaTime * drag). That's a frame-by-frame process, but if you want to do it with continuous calculus then that can be rearranged to the forumla acceleration = - drag * velocity (with drag being 0.05). Which I guess you can form a differential equation for or something" by WNP78. Would try to use this. Thanks for suggesting.

    14 days ago
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    9,892 MizeaO

    @WizNick i think you should crake the SimplePlanes code to see how it work, or maybe calculate 1G=10m/s²? Im joking.

    14 days ago
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    9,892 MizeaO

    Your mathematics is correct.

    14 days ago
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    28.5k YarisSedan

    @WizNick tag pls

    14 days ago
  • Profile image
    8,738 WizNick

    This post accidentally became a teaser for my second car build. Didn't expect that the paper would be so thin. Can barely see the car silhouette

    14 days ago
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    10.7k overlord5453

    I might have something that could help. But i have to put it together first.

    14 days ago