When it comes to building a Jet (not an airliner), does livery come first or the Loadout?
@overlord5453 BET.
@SPsidearm depends on how advanced those systems are. DECM pod would be a good choice but they are manually aimed.
@overlord5453 Chat is it a good Loadout to place a LANTIRN and ecm pod onto missile hardpoints for the cost of only having 2 ATA and 2A ATG? (ata being air atg being ground)
@SPsidearm uhh. Good luck.
@overlord5453 I'm planning an F/A-18 livery ...With daggir from the Prototype YF-D.
@overlord5453 OH SHIT.
Livery. It's easier that way.
@SPsidearm depends on how advanced those systems are. DECM pod would be a good choice but they are manually aimed.
Chat is it a good Loadout to place a LANTIRN and ecm pod onto missile hardpoints for the cost of only having 2 ATA and 2A ATG? (ata being air atg being ground)
@SPsidearm uhh. Good luck.
I'm planning an F/A-18 livery
...With daggir from the Prototype YF-D.
Livery. It's easier that way.