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Funky Trees Stuff

5,650 FartResidue  one month ago

I Heres where I document all the funky trees i use. If it says AG, then it goes in the activationGroup slot of overload editor. Other overload values are listed as they appear.

Note that the < symbol cannot be displayed as red text, but is still part of the code

Flaps (control surface): (clamp((VTOL),-1,0))

v-tail control (also prevents snap roll):
Right hand tail control:
clamp01(Activate1)*PitchAngle + Pitch*0.85 - PitchRate/50 + (clamp(((Pitch)*(clamp((Roll+RollRate/130),-1,1))),0,1))

Left hand tail control:
clamp01(Activate1)*PitchAngle + Pitch*0.85 - PitchRate/50 + (clamp(((Pitch)*(clamp((-Roll-RollRate/130),-1,1))),0,1))

Weapon Bay or folding missile fin
rotator: SelectedWeapon = your weapon in quotes
rotator AG: ammo(your weapon in quotes)=1
(replace 1 with the firing order of missile)

RAHHH STOPP MY PLANE FROM STALLING!!!: (clamp((Pitch-PitchRate/200-(AngleOfAttack/70*clamp01(-Activate1)*clamp01(TAS>5))),-1,1))
(use on tail)

RCS wing vapor subassembly (by Tomcat114 and rb2h): Link

RCS wing vapor (using IAS instead of G-force): IAS>240
Set the xml value 'type' put pitch

Reverse Thrust: Throttle<0.01 (use any activation group and set zeroOnDeactivate to 'true')

Landing Gear main: -clamp01(floor(smooth((GearDown), 1/1.2)))+1
Landing Gear Door: floor(smooth(LandingGear, 1/2))

Radar screen ping pong: cos(Time*180) (60% range of motion, small rotator)

Wing gun firing Delay: FireGuns * floor(smooth(clamp01(FireGuns), FireGuns ? 1 / 0.075 : pow(10,10) ))

Flak Cannon: TargetSelected ? TargetDistance / (850 - rate(TargetDistance)) : 60 (paste in fuseInput 850 is your cannons m/s velocity)

Timed Flak Rocket: enter selfDestructTimer as a value on the left. Set input on the right to time in seconds

Smart Flak Rocket: Set lockTime and maxHeadingAdjustmentRate and maxVelocityAdjustmentRate to zero 0 then increase maxTargetingAngle if you want
(You can use a guardian missile to make it unflarable)


Advanced Afterburner (scales power with speed, doesn't need base engine)
Specific values because its easy to mess up

VTOL engine 1: Full Power
VTOL engine 2: Visual
VTOL engine 3: Military Power and Visual
VTOL Nozzles: controls exhaust shape. (cone or tube) nozzels should be placed circle with axis of rotation facing inward.

Advanced afterburner (VTOL engine 1): Throttle+((TAS*0.0036)*(TAS*0.0036))

AG: Throttle<0.9

powerMultiplier: 9.3
max: 0.3

Advanced afterburner (VTOL engine 2): Throttle*(Throttle>0.90)

powerMultiplier: 0.1
min: 0.4
max: 1.9

Advanced afterburner (VTOL engine 3): Throttle*((Throttle>0.90)+((TAS*0.0032)*(TAS*0.0031))

AG: IAS<(450)

powerMultiplier: 7
min: 0.4
max: 0.6

Advanced afterburner (VTOL Nozzles: Throttle<0.99): Throttle<0.99

note that due to positioning offset, some nozzles will need inverted input.

max: -1.45
exhaustScale: 3.4,3.4,3.4


Goofy ahh variable: output -> clamp01(output+clamp01(ButtonA-0.5))
Goofy ahh variable2: output -> clamp01(output-(ButtonC*20))