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3,054 pohhhhhhum  10 days ago

I saw on one of your recent posts about an aircraft that can avoid radar detection (or lock I forgot) and I was wondering if I could learn this knowledge?

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    19.5k Axartar

    Yeah the cockpit has all the sensing, so in short without your cockpit most funky-trees break down

    10 days ago
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    59.8k TheMouse

    Once a plane looses a certain percentage of its parts, (I think it's one third, but I don't remember) it is legally counted as "critically damaged" by simple planes, meaning nothing will shoot at it, or attack it.
    @YarisSedan was right.
    It is possible to detach the main cockpit to get the same result, but then the altitude and speed will be all wrong, and a lot of the other stuff won't work.

    10 days ago
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    I have a good similar Example

    10 days ago
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    3,054 pohhhhhhum

    @overlord5453 hmmmm interesting, good to know

    +1 10 days ago
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    28.5k YarisSedan

    @overlord5453 yeah, something like that

    +1 10 days ago
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    10.7k overlord5453

    @pohhhhhhum @YarisSedan if I remember correctly, when an aircraft loses 1/3 of it's part count it's counted as "dead". Or you could just detach the main cockpit from the aircraft. But that would render the weapons useless except the guns.

    +1 10 days ago
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    28.5k YarisSedan

    i think it has something to do with the critically damaged exploit, but i don't know how it works myself so... i'll just let mouse do the talking instead of me

    10 days ago
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    3,054 pohhhhhhum


    10 days ago