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I need this stuff

20.3k Axartar  2 months ago

Ive been thinking

Better called procrastinating, but in short and sweet I wanna throw out a few concepts which I wanna see in the future for simple planes 2, youre all probably sick of suggestion stuff but yk.


These would contain similar stats to the the cockpit, like heading, altitude etc, These would be useful for a lot of things but for example could help with uneven terrain walking/suspension stuff to name just one thing.

Water Engines/weaponry

Ive suggested this stuff before, in short, underwater camera, weaponry, engines

Incorporated multiplayer

Pretty obviously would be great

Co-op Missions/games

Something to do on your new multiplayer, this could be done by factoring in performance cost/an actual cost (like juno) and perhaps in some game modes implementing XML confines so you don't get nuked every 2 seconds
Or perhaps like a quick-build challenge

Further Funky Trees

It'd be nice to see ,for example: mass/drag/AG/buoyancy, getting the ability to contain funky inputs, in addition, perhaps a little bit of IDE magic so you don't cause a build to freeze your game if you try to play it (personal experience), in short just sum up the brackets, check if a variable is redundant, stuff like that and display a warning before playing

Sound blocks

like note blocks, but like you can create the frequency with sin waves. This is a long shot, but it sounds fun.

Races/Player Content Videos/increased Feature numbers again.

in short just re-increase community events, It'd be nice, maybe throw in some Jundroo exclusive challenges, like the player made ones, but instead your craft may earn a badge, with restrictions like it has to be a new build or smth and similar game-balancing restrictions to help all platforms compete

Yes, Im saying this again.

Stop notifying me about Videos: implement a way to restrict what notifications I see, I want to see where ive been mentioned, following a post is useful, upvotes? features? spotlights? GREAT. But i never watch the videos, please stop.

I love all of the devs, these are just suggestions, tysm for the love put into this game.

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    20.3k Axartar

    @Grob0s0VBRa holy thats dope, i respect the funky trees magic stuff, although i should warn you that im really behind on mahoraga, due to coursework and exams for uni

    +1 2 months ago
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    13.4k Grob0s0VBRa

    *Laughs in Livesey*
    Like that?
    Maybe such stuff could help with Mahoraga... maybe...

    2 months ago
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    20.3k Axartar

    @Grobholy thats insanely cool, but what I will say is when I say a sensor, I mean something that has its own velocity, accel, position, etc etc etc, or also i mean something which determines the gradient of the terrain below the vehicle would be insanely useful

    2 months ago
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    13.4k Grob0s0VBRa

    Resizable wheel can be used as a proximity sensor!

    1) place it normally like on a car, set its scale to 0.05,1E-05,1E-05.
    2) In ResizableWheel tab set size to 4 or more and mass to 0.
    3) Enable suspension, set damper & spring to 0.
    4) Disable auto traction, set slipForwardExtremum & slipSidewaysExtremum to 0.11 and tractionForward/Sideways to 0
    5) Give a name to a variable output Forward Slip
    6) Load into world, use DebugExpression in console with this command


    If it outputs 1 then wheel is kinda in contact with ground or other build or some buildings... You can change size to change the max distance at which the formula gives 1.
    p.s. it can act like a magnet but for terrain: set traction stuff to a beeg-beeg number (5E+30), give it mass and make spring & damper to 1
    p.s.s. setting ...Asymptote stuff to a big number disables noise (5E+30 or more than in traction or extremum)

    +1 2 months ago
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    26.9k IFVuser

    @TheNewSPplayer but it only works once, but by adding "interactionType" on the switch, it could work

    +1 2 months ago
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    @Saturn0 i discovered that if you have a switch with "Ag9" (or other number) and something to activate like a beacon light, it works

    +1 2 months ago
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    20.3k Axartar

    @Dragoranos yeah, in the first paragraph

    2 months ago
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    44.2k B1BLancer

    I want a significantly bigger amount of activation groups. Or maybe add ur own? I struggle with packing so many things together with only about 8 groups

    +1 2 months ago
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    28.6k Dragoranos

    all this stuff is for sp2

    SP development ceased long ago

    +1 2 months ago
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    cool ideas

    +1 2 months ago