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what kind of drone is people panicking over in the US?

28.6k YarisSedan  10 days ago

i tried finding articles for it but so far couldn't find any

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    Also there are loads of conflicting theories and misinformation, but no true answers or clear evidence.

    +1 8 days ago
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    I have a lot more to say, but this is relatively new and fluid.
    Many (possibly up to 80%) reports are also turning out to be general aviation and even airline aircraft.
    What I can confidently say is that drones are way more prevalent in the U.S. than most people think. “Drones” are used in search and rescue, imaging, defense ISR, hobby, agricultural, realty, research and development and training of all the previous, and way more.
    It is very much a possibility that the story going viral has lead to a snowball or slippery slope (if I’m using that term right). As more people hear about the drones, more people are tuned in and are even looking for drones, noticing or reporting drones or aircraft they hadn't noticed or cared about before.
    This is just my opinion, based on limited experiences and conversations. I’m only truly somewhat in tune with my local state, and do not have all the information, and I am probably wrong in my assumptions.
    There are a lot more theories. We’ll see.

    +1 8 days ago
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    There was one above my house last night.

    9 days ago
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    28.6k YarisSedan

    @Rb2h i see, but still, only time will tell i guess, i certainly hope that ww3 isn't gonna happen anytime soon though

    +1 9 days ago
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    8,785 Rb2h

    @YarisSedan It's probably some sort of secret operation
    They have been flying around a government building AND Trump's golf course
    Like why lol

    +1 9 days ago
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    28.6k YarisSedan

    @Rb2h first of all, if this is a threat, then why do i or some people, including some who are americans themselves barely heard from it, especially from the US government? and second, how are we supposed to know that it was dangerous or not?

    +1 9 days ago
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    8,785 Rb2h

    This is a huge threat
    Like what if they're coordinating an attack?
    maybe flying them into stuff?

    9 days ago
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    8,785 Rb2h

    From the triangle shape, I instantly think they have stealth capabilities (even though the props would run its RCS.)

    9 days ago
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    8,785 Rb2h

    @overlord5453 it definitely has EW capabilities

    9 days ago
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    17.9k FlirBlitz

    it'd be really funny if it was just Amazon or something trying to deliver shit 😭

    +5 10 days ago
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    28.6k YarisSedan

    @overlord5453 yep, i can definitely tell

    +1 10 days ago
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    12.5k overlord5453

    Probably got over exaggerated in the midst of all the chaos.

    +1 10 days ago
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    12.5k overlord5453

    The US government's response...... well, the lack of it is only making things worse. And allegedly, some civilians tried sending their own drones to take a closer look and apparently the lights on the unidentified drones turned off. Some even claims that the civilian drones battery got fried.

    +2 10 days ago
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    28.6k YarisSedan

    @overlord5453 exactly, im also highly certain that whoever operated that drone had no malicious intentions whatsoever and that people are just overreacting by blowing things out of proportion for like no reason other than i assume paranoia

    +1 10 days ago
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    12.5k overlord5453

    Whoever is operating these, they are not trying to hide anything. They are flying around with lights (nav and strobe lights).

    +1 10 days ago
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    28.6k YarisSedan

    @Numbers2 ohhhh i see what some people are talking about

    10 days ago
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    12.5k overlord5453

    Mostly, triangular shaped propeller driven drones. Like the kamikaze drones.

    +1 10 days ago
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    60.4k PapaKernels

    Im an american and even i dont know.

    +1 10 days ago
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    18.0k cyon

    i really thought i knew the answer
    my mind: "fpv drone with 120mm shell"

    10 days ago
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    2,014 Numbers2

    10 days ago
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    2,014 Numbers2

    F22 Raptor moment NO.2?

    10 days ago
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    i legit also dont know
    im as confused as you

    10 days ago
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    Idk either the military or china, although they caught a Chinese guy flying a drone over a space force base

    10 days ago