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Santa and gang ??

15.4k OverlordPrime  2 months ago

This Christmas, will santa and gang find out why they shouldn't violate random county's airspace?

T for tags

Also, I would like to take this moment to share something personal. I won't go into specific details but the following is the quick summary of the little incident.
so, I was in a car. Sitting at the front passenger seat. And obviously we were on the road, driving along. And there was this flie inside the car constantly smashing into the windshield. A flie is annoying enough and it was hitting against the windshield making buzzing notices. So I went out of my way and caught it. Plan is obvious, throw it out. My dumbass then proceeded to go for the door handle instead of opening the window. I was thinking "what the fuck am I doing, that's the door handle", then I proceeded to try and unlock the door.... Multiple times. I don't really know what happened there. I was using my phone so probably got lost in thoughts. And I don't think anyone noticed me going for the door handle in the middle of driving, and it was probably for the best.