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Buttons or switches not working

6,419 Sense2  4 days ago

So ive been working on my RA-550 a little. Ive been working on it, past couple of days. Until, when i was testing the APU, i couldn't turn on the battery. I couldnt even interact with the buttons and switches, except the Grip handles.

I checked to see of it applies to another aircraft, but everything was working fine. Its just my aircraft that has the bug.

Edit: I placed another button, and it works fine. Except the rest.

Edit 2: So it looks like the whole plane bugged out with interacting with the switches. I have to replace every single button.

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    398 oldnoble

    Peekaboo 🧱👀

    3 hours ago
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    12.5k overlord5453

    @Sense2 does it work now?

    4 days ago
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    6,419 Sense2

    @overlord5453 had to replace all of the buttons ngl

    4 days ago
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    12.5k overlord5453

    @Sense2 it's bugged then.

    4 days ago
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    6,419 Sense2

    @overlord5453 Its on Toggle.

    4 days ago
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    12.5k overlord5453

    Go to the overload menu of the button/switch > button/switch and add interactionType and set that to Toggle.
    If it's already done then it's probably a bug.

    4 days ago