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Description Save (for myself.)

1,199 visionmov  2 months ago

this is a back up text save for the description of my A-10C, so go away or read it if you want.

im bad at introductions so I'll get straight to the functionalitys. and dont forget to go to the comments.

Cold Start (Realistic)

| Step One

1-1 Turn on the Inverter to Standby. (Right Console)
1-2 Turn on Battery Power and EGI should turn on at 1. (Right Console)
1-3 Turn the APU on. (Left Console)
1-4 Wait till EGU reaches 6 and APU reaches 90% between 100%. (Gauges)

| Step Two

2-1 While waiting for APU to reach 90%-100%, turn on CICU (MFD PWR), JTRS, IFFCC, ALT SCE, and PTR to Able. These Switches can be seen in the Switches (5) Topic. (Center Console-Left)
2-2 Turn on APU GEN (6) to power your HUD, then TCN should be on 1. (Right Console)
2-3 When APU is 100% turn on Right or Left Wing boost, Right or left Main Boost, and then turn on Ignition Left or Right. (Gauges)
2-4 Turn on Left or Right (whatever Ignition you turned on) Engine Start and turn off the ignition, then wait till the Fan gauge reaches 25. (Right Console + Gauges)
2-5 Repeat the process from 2-3 with the other engine, starting with doing the engine start process for your other engine.

| Step Three

3-1 Once your second engine is on, turn on AC Gen L and R, Hud Mode: Norm and EGI should be on 2, then turn off your APU.
3-2 Turn on AG7 and AG8 for your anti-collision and navigation lights.
3-3 Taxi and Take off.
3-4 Once in air, turn on your weapon Switches (5). (Center Console)

Cold Start (Quick)

1-1 Skip the entire start up process and turn on both Engine Switches.
1-2 Turn on each Switch (5) (6)
1-3 Fly.

Both MFDs

| 10 DTS Upload

Your "DTS Upload" is where you load your pages at for your MFD, such as your DSMS (7), TAD (8), SJET (¹), and TGP (9). Both of your DTS Uploads are slightly different, the MFDL has location viewing and weapon viewing while also being about to discard them. Your MFDR has Target viewing and target distance capabilities.

This is the view of MFDL (without SJET), only functions are DSMS, SJET, and TAD.

MFD-L (Multi Function Display Left)

| 7 DSMS

The Digital Storage Management System or DSMS has the primary function of showing you what and how many weapons you have, as well as indicating their status. In addition to that, you can jettison(¹) and drop them without the intent of engaging enemies with the selected weapon.

These are not the exact weapons on board in game but its what the DSMS looks like in game.

| ¹ SJET Quick

SJET or Selective Jettison is used when its needed to get rid of stores without actually dropping them on enemies. For this purpose, the jettison function is implemented in your DSMS but, to access it, press the SJET Quick button in your DTS Upload (10) and choose which station you want to let go of, the buttons to jettison only work when the SJET Quick button is activated, the reason for SJET to not be in the DSMS activation group is some technical issues, so it was moved to DTS Upload.

This is the view of the SJET, just click a station you would like to jettison.

| 8 TAD

Your TAD or Tactical Awareness Display acts as both a map and a easy way to share information between flight members, other targets, and other planes, while also letting you know where locations are on the map is.

The red box isn't normally there but its just an example of what the TAD looks like.

MFD-R (Multi Function Display Right)

| ? TGP

Your TGP or Targeting Pod is mainly used for viewing your target in night and day performance. It's functions are powered by the AN/AAQ-28 Litening Pod, as you select it, it will take you to the display of the settings before you select a view, Air To Ground(²) or Air To Air. Only functionality currently is Air To Ground.

From here, you should press A-G.

| ² Air To Ground

As you select your Air To Ground, your brought to the view of the target, the exact distance of the target is show and actively moving as the target moves. (Warning I do not have the CameraAndDisplay Mod.)

This would be the view of the target if mods were able to be on mobile, too bad.

| vision's message

The page of appreciation for downloading.

5 Switches

| Master Arm

The Master Arm switch powers all the switches next to it, such as the Arm Laser switch(³), and the Gun Pac Arm switch(4). Without enabling the Master Arm switch, your Gun Pac Arm switch will not turn on your gun, and same goes for your laser guided arsenal.

| ³ Arm Laser Switch

This switch can only be turned on by turning on the Master Arm switch first. What this switch does is arm your laser and your weapons that are correlated with laser usage, the GBU-10 and AGM-65Ds.

| 4 Gun Pac Arm

This switch can only be turned on by turning on the Master Arm switch first. This switch turns on the capabilities of your GAU-8, and when it comes on, your DSMS will show the current amount of ammo and ammunition type it has currently, which is CM or combat mix, a mixture of Armor Piercing rounds and High Explosive, for AP for armored targets and HE for small/unarmored targets. As you select your Gau-8, a pop up will show up symbolizing its ready to fire.

Shown as such. Same as in game.

| TGP Switch

No current function or plans for its functions.

| Hars Fast Erect

It turns on Hars. Doesn't really do anything.

| 6 Hud

Use the APU GEN to start it up and flip it up to Norm.

Use 13, dont worry about 14.

This is the view for all the switches, Hud is right under the TGP switch on the right.


| Spawn

On spawn, you should select NOTA as in Non Of The Above so your DSMS shows "WPNS ON" and not blank, it is also used to not have any weapon selected and still see the targets on TAD or by view.

| Temporary Post

This post is temporary, meaning it's a test for the public opinion and for asking things and suggestions that will span from 1 day to 3 days, and please so, go to the comments and follow the rules given. Expect bugs and unfinished things.

| Possible Mobile Lag

This will most likely lag on phones just like it does on mine, so understand your phones capabilities of the max performance cost and parts it can take in simpleplanes. Make sure to also check your graphic settings and AI spawning, if you have air traffic on, it'll take longer to start up. But, if it works for me, it'll work for you.

| VR

As this is perfectly great for VR players, it has a auto lean camera for mobile use, making sure you can see the wings and weapons on board, to change that, just connect the camera to the chair and remove the pistons and moving devices, or disable the code on the pistons, either works. (I think, I haven't tested it.)

| MFD Info

These are piston powered MFDs, meaning they are not 1 text box with many functions, but instead a text box connected to a piston and work by them, I am not smart enough for that 1 box stuff. Also, Piston Powered MFDs take up a lot of parts.

| Activation Groups

Only a quarter of the 8 AGs do something, AG7 and AG8 are only for Navigation Lights and other lights I forgot the name of. Then, while also starting those engines, you can VTOL up and go reverse, its slow but its reverse.

| Image Credits

Thanks to Gambit on steam for these pictures, I got to use them as a reference to build and for here.

this was brought to you by, thank you.

That's the end, if I made any spelling or grammer mistakes just tell me via comments, thanks for readin, or just skipping to the end.

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  • Profile image
    1,199 visionmov

    @Axartar for me rn, this Is this one of the most useful ways

    +1 2 months ago
  • Profile image
    23.4k Axartar

    I recommend using .txt files to save this stuff, its just useful

    2 months ago