SP2 release is soon, and what i hope from it are:
1: tank tracks.
It's frequently requested to be added vanilla in this game, so I expect it to be added in SP2.
2:Underwater camera.
It'll be useful for those creating ships and submarines, and just making the game feel more open to the players.
3: more features for each location.
USS Beast has the catapult and elevators that are really cool, I'd love if the locations has unique functions that wouldn't make them bland.
4: updated tutorial.
With a lot of old players with a know-how that'll flock to the game, a new and updated tutorial would be great for new players to get a grasp at the game's core mechanic and building.
@Sakorsky exactly, there's a reason as to why people like sp, and no it's definitely not just because you can make simple planes, but also the ability to create literally anything with no limits whatsoever, something which last time i checked is extremely rare in the gaming space
@KisherSmord it'll still be simpleplanes, you've seen a lot of builds on the website that aren't planes and the game is still simpleplanes, as for the current tutorial you're only taught with blocks while others use fuselage blocks.
Yes too all and i want a 1:1 Aircraft carrier
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block blast
"@overlord5453 Am I not even allowed to speak?"
@crazyplaness Is this a new rule?
@crazyplaness it's obvious what he wants. So why not just give him that.
Under water camera is confirmed. It was in the trailer.
"Ah, @crazyplaness, truly. It appears I am becoming quite adept at rendering you an object of ridicule."
@KisherSmord “Sounds like ai.”
The other thing that's gotta be added to the new U.S.S BEAST is 3 more catapults and a larger deck because in multiplayer mode we know that there's gonna be chaos on the U.S.S Beast
"Sounds like you’re trying to turn SimplePlanes into SimpleEverythingExceptPlanes."
Ok, so your big wishlist for SP2 is tank tracks, underwater cameras, and better tutorials? Bold moves, truly revolutionary. Because nothing says Simple Planes like turning it into SimpleTanks or SimpleSubmarines. And "more features for each location"? Sure, let’s just turn every spot into Disneyland while we’re at it. Oh, and an "updated tutorial"? Because clearly, the old one wasn’t enough for you to figure out how to slap a wing on a block. Maybe focus on enjoying the planes part of SimplePlanes instead of turning it into an all-terrain, underwater theme park.
I hope they add ground effect physics too
freaky trees