What have I accomplished?
Well, I made my long delayed return, began my war against Grain's aspirations (because it killed mine), and have taken an undesired trip to the Soian Gutter.
What a year, eh?
I'm going to drink some sparkling apple juice now. I need it...
Screw you, Grain.
@KPLBall I’m independent now.
@OrangeConnor2 true
@KPLBall Doesn’t make me Graingy. I left the company.
@OrangeConnor2 you are the OG owner of the graingy account
@KPLBall What?
All hail the true Graingy
@SPsidearm Crazy talk
Sounds of a M1911's slide release mechanism being triggered
No. You must be mad.
@SPsidearm No lol.
They're funny.
When it's 11.50 before new year I wake up and I sleep again, the best new year celebration ever
Aren't you supposed to be mad that OC wants to screw you?
@SPsidearm what?
Having had a glass (fine, clear plastic cup) of the stuff, and pouring myself another, I feel a bit better now.