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How do I make Contrails?

5,871 StopBreathingMyAir  2 months ago

I am going to make a plane that needs these and I figured flares would be annoying to use constantly for contrails.

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    Two options. Rockets and missiles. To set them up, attach a detacher to your aircraft and then the missile Or rocket to the detacher. Then manually add a connection to some other fixed part of the aircraft. If you are using a rocket, remember to set selfDestructTimer to a high number Or it will explode after few seconds of firing it. To fire it, use either fire weapons button Or activate the detacher. You can't fire the missile by activating the detacher, instead you will have lock on to a target and then press fire weapons button. And for missile, set fuelTime to a high number.

    Pinned 2 months ago
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    @HuskyDynamics01 I’m on iOS so it won’t work

    2 months ago
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    You could also try out the smoke trails mod if mods are an option for you.

    2 months ago
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    @overlord5453 thank you this is very helpful

    +1 2 months ago