I’m currently only at bronze, and the mouse said they are impossible to accept large scale member, but I’m smalllllllllllllll
(Only 124 points)
Can I join MDA
134 Petropavlovsk101
5 days ago
I’m currently only at bronze, and the mouse said they are impossible to accept large scale member, but I’m smalllllllllllllll
(Only 124 points)
I don't have a problem with pointe, it's just that we are already big. We already have quite a few members. We are open to trading though.
I don't think we need them
@KPLBall wait, we don't have helis, we are the air force
@KPLBall eh
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 oh yeah, what about some, not so famous, UH-102BGs? Considering I don't even have them
@KPLBall already in the air force
@KPLBall oh
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 a lot lso, want any FA-33s or F-37s?
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 I handed over a bunch of Crusader MK1s to others (the MK1E export), handed TUPL many cruiser tanks, and haven't sold any Excelsiors
But TUPL will get my joint project MBT
@KPLBall (since when did you hand over any of those)
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 I also say no because I don't want to have to hand over Crusaders, Cruisers, and Excelsiors to someone I have never worked with before
@KPLBall I say no
If you do join, you will most likely be put under me and @Karroc9522 , or under TUPL
@Petropavlovsk101 不要重复艾特,他们真的会拉黑
@TheMouse @KPLBall @windshifter1