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[Invasion of Veridisia] RRAF Invades Veridisia’s Territories

6,597 LeShunny  2 months ago

RRAF Invades Veridisia’s Territories

On December 30, the RRAF invaded the territories of Playground Island and Jungle Island.
At 8:15 A.M., mercenaries, troops, and armored vehicles from the RRAF were dropped onto Playground Island. Before the invasion, Veridisia began sending troops and armored vehicles to the territories of South Winter Island, Jungle Island, and Playground Island due to the developing situation at Retronia at the time. At the same time, a mass evacuation order for civilians was placed at Playground Island. Fortunately, they had ample time, though as of the writing, civilians are currently evacuating.
As RRAF vehicles advanced into Playground Island, A-400s arrived to spray canisters of Agent 15B gas, as well as A-7 UCAVs to support the mercenaries, blowing up armored vehicles. Staying civilians were ordered by military police to wear gas masks due to the harmful effects of Agent 15B.
SkyCorps Hawks, Ravens, and KF-7s from South Winter Island Air Force Base were dispatched to deal with the aircraft, shooting down as many A-400s and A-7s as they could.
Within two hours, the RRAF had successfully captured half of Playground Island. However, armed resistance movements by civilians rapidly sprang up in the captured territories, disabling or blowing up several tanks with IEDs made out of electrical components and flammable liquids and killing troops with hit-and-run tactics.
At 11:23 A.M., troops and tanks were dropped on the densely wooded area of Wayinga Rainforest in Jungle Island. However, they soon encountered heavy defenses from the Veridisians, who were hiding in dense vegetation. As a result, a bloody battle between the two factions ensued, where most of the casualties would be dealt by the RRAF.
A-400s were supposed to spray canisters of Agent-15B, but due to a lack of fighter escort, VerdAir Griffins and Pegasi were able to intercept and shoot them down. A-7 UCAVs were also shot down. According to the Air Force, the A-7s were suspected of carrying cluster munitions and napalm.
Eventually, two Reaper Eagles were detected, and they close-in on a flight group of four VerdAir Griffins. A dogfight between the two groups of fighters ensued, and the Reaper Eagles were shot down through gunfire from the Griffins.
By the sixth hour of the invasion, the RRAF force at both territories began to gradually weaken. In Playground Island, they had finally reached the outskirts of Flaendeezh (capital of Playground Island), but the troops attempting to capture the capital were already debilitated due to the heavy fighting. As a result, numerous casualties were sustained by the RRAF from the defending Veridisians.
Currently as of the writing, the RRAF has lost ground of their withheld territories from the resistance groups at Playground Island, and the Veridisian Army is starting to fight back.
Reportedly, reinforcements were sent to both islands, but they have been deterred by Veridisian naval and aerial forces.
Wayinga Rainforest in Jungle Island is currently closed off to the public. A defensive perimeter surrounding the rainforest, consisting of APCs, tanks, infantry, and snipers was established to prevent the RRAF from ever finding escape.



SkyCorps Hawk over South Winter Island Air Force Base after taking off.


Still frame from a VerdAir Valkyrie's gun camera destroying a Recon Tank ATGM.


Still frame from a SkyCorps Raven's HUD shooting down an A-7 UCAV.


Still frame of an A-400 shot down by a VerdAir Griffin.


A-19 Spike Wolf drops munitions over Wayinga Rainforest.


Still frames from the VerdAir Griffins' gun cameras shooting down the Reaper Eagles.


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    7,889 SPsidearm

    "I have a handgun (mentioned here is a FN FNX 45), you don't. That means that I'm the superior power here, you either draw your forces from playground, or else."
    -Universe Commander Sidearm the IInd.

    one month ago
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    7,889 SPsidearm

    Eh, lazy to make Forum reports. All we know that the Mercenaries are being cooked and their Armored vehicles are getting torned up, so be cool.

    one month ago
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    7,889 SPsidearm

    Knock knock. You have a M113 and ADATS on your doorstep.

    2 months ago
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    6,597 LeShunny

    @SPsidearm OK, thanks for the correction.

    2 months ago
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    6,597 LeShunny

    @LunarEclipseSP Well not exactly.

    +1 2 months ago
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    7,889 SPsidearm

    A-7s never could actually use Napalm ammunitions. The AGM-95 is simply a low area Fragmentation missile.

    2 months ago
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    7,889 SPsidearm

    Note; this war also reuses units from the S-War.

    2 months ago
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    7,889 SPsidearm


    2 months ago
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    2 months ago
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    So the country of Sidearm The II is named Retronia? Mate I didn't really noticed it darn it (' >~<`)

    2 months ago
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    6,597 LeShunny


    2 months ago
  • Profile image
    6,597 LeShunny


    +1 2 months ago