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Project : Exoculo

83.9k Monarchii  one month ago

Latin : "eye that is taken away"

"chii don't you have too many projects-" yes.

it's just basically a materialization of my [Structure] builds though, as in, actually a town of sorts.

don't expect much, I have no intention of architecture, nor wanting to learn it. however, I do want a good place to take some screenshots or just to play around, hell, maybe ill make the mogadishu-based scenario once I get it fully going

ill probably start by making a city block, if nothing else.

it's gonna be an ugly lotsablocks and not Komadori1-level of details, but hey, maybe we'll get there eventually.

its also gonna be a clash of many themes, everything and anything, Art Deco? Nouveau? Dieselpunk? Ecopunk? who cares, get in the build.